The Sea Witch's Call

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Elizabeth cried very rarely. Today was one of those days. Feeling like it was her fault for everything that happened, she was filled with regret for the choices she made. Elizabeth sinks to her knees, overwhelming feelings of rage and guilt consuming her. She digs her fingers into the soft ground, needing to feel grounded like a tree whose roots are intertwined with the dirt below. Down came the rain, followed by streaks of lightning and rumbling thunder soon thereafter.

Theodore attempted to help her stand, but she pushed his hands away. She stands up, and finds that her dress was ruined, with mud smearing the bottom half, smoke stains from the fire, and drenched in rainwater. Her walk back to the castle was extremely awkward, as everyone stared with curiosity. If only they knew it could lead to danger or misfortune. Just as Elizabeth's curiosity about the box ended horribly. Elizabeth races past the gazing eyes, straight for the castle doors. On her way up the steps, she passes her father, who complains about her dress.

"Elizabeth! What have you done to your dress?" King Archie asked.

Before Elizabeth can answer, her father rambles on.

"Oh, it's ruined!" King Archie said. "I'll have another ball gown delivered to your room."

She tells her father not to bother because she doesn't wish to attend the ball. King Archie follows her up the stairs, and continues arguing with Elizabeth, claiming it was nonsense for her not to attend her own birthday ball. She explained that she wanted to be left alone as she entered her bedroom. A powerful gust of wind blew through the bedroom window, slamming her door shut behind Elizabeth. Her father banged on the door, but Elizabeth didn't respond.

"Whether you like it or not, you don't have a choice!" King Archie said loudly. "The ball will happen, and you will attend!"

Elizabeth showers again, washing away the smudged makeup, dried mud, and the lingering stench of smoke. Once finished with her shower, she slips into her replacement dress. With the help of her ladies-in-waiting, she is ready for the ball. Standing at the top of the staircase, with everyone's eyes on her, she felt the same way she did earlier that day. Elizabeth is escorted down the stairs by Theodore, where she sits on the throne next to her father's.

"Before we begin the festivities, there are a few things I must say," King Archie started off with. "I would love to wish my beautiful daughter a wonderful birthday, and I can't wait to see you rule as Queen."

"Thank you, father, but we have many years ahead of us before we need to worry about that," Elizabeth said with a nervous laugh.

"I'm afraid that is another thing I wanted to mention," Archie said solemnly.

With that being said, Elizabeth would have to pick a husband, and together they would rule the kingdom.

"Father, you can't be serious," Elizabeth said.

"It's your birthright, as it was for every previous generation," Archie replied.

"Then maybe I don't want to be Queen," Elizabeth said as she stood up.

While running out of the ballroom, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the table, then left the castle grounds. Elizabeth sat on the edge of the cliff, drinking straight from the bottle. Her blackout was accompanied by flashing images of the ocean and a woman whispering to her to stay away.

Elizabeth finishes the bottle, almost falling off the cliff while throwing it into the water below. Elizabeth dangles from the roots of a tree that has overgrown the cliffside, when she's saved by a stunning woman with fiery red hair. After saving Elizabeth, she stated that her name was Samantha Jo Black, Captain of The Black Ship.

Sam invites Elizabeth back to her ship, where the two spend the night drinking rum and dancing while the crew sing sea shanties. Elizabeth is so hypnotized by Sam's singing voice that she misses her step, causing them both to fall down. With only inches between their faces, they share a passionate kiss. It was short-lived when Elizabeth felt sick, and quickly stood up to vomit over the ship's railing.

Sam carried her to her bedroom on the ship, allowing Elizabeth to sleep it off in her bed. Where they talked about their lives before falling asleep. Sam explained that her mother died during childbirth, and she was raised by her father and his crew. Following her father's death, she inherited his ship and crew.

Elizabeth then stated she shared a similar fate, a life without her mother due to the very cliff Sam saved her from falling off. Sam claimed she had met Elizabeth before, or at least seen her on the cliff. The night her mother sacrificed herself to save Elizabeth, Sam's father's ship was docked on the beach below. Through her telescope, Sam watched the event unfold in the crow's nest.

That night they fell asleep holding onto each other in Sam's bed. The next morning Sam informs Elizabeth that she has to leave, and asks if she would join her. Elizabeth explains that she must return to the castle because of her father's health problems.

Before heading their separate ways, Sam tells her to listen for her call. That's how she'll know she has returned. Elizabeth visited the cliff every day for a year, waiting for her return, as her father's memory worsened. Her father spent most of his time with her when Elizabeth's name started to slip his mind.

One day, she stopped returning to the cliff after losing hope. She suddenly felt a flutter in her chest, while restlessly pacing the halls all night. Elizabeth left the castle on her horse, riding to the cliff as the sun rose on the horizon. Off in the distance, Elizabeth saw The Black Ship's silhouette. The sound of her crew singing echoed across the ocean like a loud whisper, but her voice was the loudest.

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