The Artifact

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Princess Elizabeth is awoken by the castle bells early in the morning. She insisted her father needed them to remember the time of day. Otherwise, he would lose track of his never-ending duties as King of Nightingale.

She rolled over in bed and pulled the blanket over her head, until she heard the tapping sound of pebbles being thrown at her bedroom window. Within a few moments, the blanket is thrown onto the floor, as she jumps to her feet to get dressed. Today was the day!

Her father would be most busy today, as he plans to hold a ball for Princess Elizabeth's 18th birthday. He believed the event was crucial since Elizabeth would soon have to wed someone like he did to become queen.

He would also declare that he's relinquishing his duties as King. Allowing Princess Elizabeth and her newlywed husband to reign over all of Nightingale. Though he'd never tell them it was because his memory was deteriorating with each passing day.

Elizabeth knew of her father's plan. So, she asked for Theodore's help, to cover for her while journeying through The Dark Woods. He is a knight in King Archie's army, with a blacksmith for a father who crafted the Kings army's weaponry, shields, and armor. He was like an older brother to Princess Elizabeth and was always there for her in her time of need.

They secretly trained together in The Dark Woods, against her father's orders. She was to be a proper princess. The ones who wear dresses, behave properly, bow and curtsey, and only speak when spoken to. Her father didn't leave her with much of a choice. She craved freedom. 

Today, Elizabeth is venturing back to the area where she and Theodore once rescued Alexandria and Raven from a monstrous beast in The Dark Woods. They sent their messenger crow to Princess Elizabeth, stating they had made a recent discovery. It was urgent. She needed to meet them back in The Dark Woods where they had met.

Upon arriving, Princess Elizabeth notices Raven sitting alone on a log near the pond. She slowly walks towards the blind woman, when a twig snaps under her shoe. Raven isn't startled, she just slowly turns her head towards the princess and smiles weakly.

"I thought you'd never come," Raven said with a blank expression.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Elizabeth hesitantly says, "Where is your mother?"

"Unfortunately she is no longer with us, but never mind that," Raven said. "There is something I must show you."

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"I must say a few things first," she says.

"I'm listening," Elizabeth said before sitting down next to the woman.

"Time is slipping away from me, like sand in an hourglass," she said before closing her eyes. "I'm afraid I don't have very long, but before I go there's something you need to know first."

"You're dying?" Princess Elizabeth asked.

"Tis true, but don't fret. Everything is happening the way it was meant to," she replied. "It's your destiny."

"I don't understand," Elizabeth said before the blind woman cut her off.

"The world holds many secrets and mysteries waiting to be discovered, and you hold the most vital key deep within you," the woman explains. "You, my sweet Lizzy, are extremely special."

"How am I special?" she asked while shaking her head. "I'm just me?"

"You are so much more than what lies on the surface, dear. I only wish we had known sooner," the blind woman said as she looked over at Elizabeth. "You aren't just the Princess of the Nightingale kingdom, you also have Wicca blood running through your veins."

"I don't understand. The visions you shared with me that day I rescued you and your mother showed my mother sacrificing herself so that I may live to be the next queen," Princess Elizabeth said while shaking her head. "I thought that was my destiny. How is this possible?"

"You see what you need to see, but it is always true," the blind woman said. "This is your destiny now, and it's time you embrace it."

In a swift movement, the blind woman pushes the princess into the pond which is deeper than it appears to be. While being pulled under the water, Princess Elizabeth fought to reach the surface, but became light-headed. While in a dreamlike state, the princess has a vision of her own. She is shown four locations that seem familiar to the princess, but also foreign at the same time.

She felt her body floating slowly to the surface, where Theodore pulled her out of the pond. The princess gasps for air while looking around anxiously. Only to find they're now alone, and Raven has vanished.

"I heard you scream. So, I ran through the trees, until I found Raven holding you under the water," Theodore said. "I thought she was trying to kill you, so I shot an arrow at her."

"She's dead?" the princess asked.

"She turned into ashes, but before that, she asked that I give this to you, along with a message," he said while holding out a piece of a stone slab. "Find the others."

Princess Elizabeth takes the stone into her hand and suddenly feels connected to them. She knew exactly where to locate the others. With Theodore's help, she found them all before the dinner bell rang. The second slab was found hanging from a tree with wind chimes. The third was located in the home of the Alexandria and Raven, in the fireplace and under their hanging cauldron. The last one was buried in the sand on the beach.

After sitting under the tree in the garden, she placed the pieces on the ground in front of her. They trembled while humming, until they merged as one. Lighting up the symbols carved into each stone, releasing the magical powers of her ancestors. Elemental power. Her Powers.





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