Nagi contemplated the situation, realizing that withholding the truth any longer would serve no purpose.

Saeko, with her intelligence and distinct inclination towards sadism, was the most composed and capable of rational thought among them. 'Well, it seems there's no reason to keep it a secret any longer,' Nagi thought.

"While I was in the city, searching for a vehicle to reach the bridge, I heard the sound of a truck approaching," Nagi recounted, his tone devoid of emotion.

"I quickly sought cover on top of a nearby building to observe. It was then that I comprehended their intentions. They were planning to kill me," he explained, feeling Saeko inadvertently tighten the bandage, resulting in a wince and an annoyed expression on his face.

Sheepishly smiling, Saeko softly apologized as Nagi proceeded with his explanation. "It wasn't until a short while later that I discovered they had a woman captive," he revealed.

Saeko's smile faded, her expression morphing into a grim visage that cast a somber pall over the room. She was no fool; Saeko grasped the implications of Nagi's words, but she withheld her assumptions, choosing instead to remain silent and patiently await Nagi's further explanation.

"It didn't take long for me to come to the decision of firing the first shot," Nagi stated simply. Saeko finished applying the last bandage and took a seat in front of him, grabbing a nearby chair.

Her voice was barely above a whisper as she asked, "Did you kill them?" Nagi gazed at her, his mind pondering. 'I've never seen Saeko react like this before. Perhaps... did something happen in her past?'

But Nagi didn't linger on the moment for too long, as Saeko awaited his response. "Yes," he answered simply, causing Saeko's eyes to widen in surprise and disbelief. "If I hadn't killed them, they would have killed me. It's as simple as that."

Nagi's voice remained devoid of emotion as he spoke, conveying the stark reality of the situation. Not a few moments later, Saeko posed another question. "When you killed them... did you feel anything?" Her words hung in the air, waiting for Nagi's response.

"I felt nothing," Nagi replied firmly, leaving Saeko taken aback. Although she didn't know Nagi too well, she was an intelligent and observant woman. Nagi's demeanor within the school had left a significant impression on her.

However, hearing Nagi speak of killing with such ease, as if it were as natural as breathing, startled her. There was no hint of regret, sadness, pleasure or guilt in his expression. Just emptiness. He wore his usual stoic face, his sharp but lifeless fiery orange eyes fixed upon her.

"Saeko, I'll be straightforward with you. I don't know what you've been through in your past, but if someone had tried to harm you in a malicious way—whether it was murder, rape, slavery, or anything else—I believe there should be no sympathy for them. "

"If I hadn't taken action, someone else would have down the line, especially in this new world. I'm not asking you to agree with me; I'm just letting you know that I have no intention of changing who I am."

"I will adapt to the circumstances, but my core values remain unchanged," Nagi emphasized as he rose from his seat. A few moments passed in silence, interrupted only by the sound of a gunshot and a dog barking.

Nagi looked up towards the second floor, let out a sigh, and then turned to Saeko. "Thank you for helping me with my injuries," Nagi expressed his gratitude before making his way upstairs, leaving Saeko deep in contemplation.

Walking past the visibly annoyed Rei, Nagi ascended the staircase and entered the room. Inside, he saw Kohta and Takashi standing on the balcony, their expressions tense.

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