Chapter 5- The Queen of Frithe

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Quez and his small number of men struggled to crew the ship, but they eventually made it back against the seas. Camille felt useless. All of the men would try to sleep with her, but she wasn't attracted to them, and she wanted nothing to do with them. So she rarely left the captain's den. Quez didn't try to rape her, so she felt safe with him.

After they arrived at the port in Tortu, she tried to separate from the crew. "Where do you think you're going?" Quez said as he grabbed her arm.

"I need to find work," she said.

"Women don't work in Tortu," Quez said, "you are coming back to our king to talk about strategy of taking down Frithe."

Camille rolled her eyes, but she knew she would be killed if she didn't comply. She was in a foreign land, and she was at the mercy of the king. She followed along until they reached the house King Vran was living in. It was no castle, but it was nice.

Camille stepped into the house. It was much cooler than outside. Her sweat made her feel even cooler than it really was. She followed Quez to the king, who was in the process of having his feet rubbed by beautiful women.

"My king," Quez said.

The king opened his eyes and said, "was the mission successful?"

Quez took King George's head out of a box and tossed it on the ground. Vran looked wildly happy, then said, "and his sons?"

"We were unable to locate them," Quez stated.

"Who is this?" Vran said referring to Camille.

"This is the queen," he replied.

"What is she doing here?" Vran asked.

"She killed the king for us. She is now a fugitive of Frithe. I told her we would protect her."

Then Camille interjected, "I was told my sons would be spared as well."

"No," King Vran said.

"No?" She asked.

"I don't want a faction to form any time in the future and say they have a legitimate claim to the throne. Your sons must die," Vran said as he stood up. Vran was a very tall, barbaric looking man. His long hair blended into his long salt and pepper beard.

"That won't be a problem," Camille replied.

"You have many sons. I know for a fact some of them will never forgive me for changing their destinies. They must die," Vran croaked. "As for you, though, I can give you a good life. You can have all the riches you desire. But your sons must die. I have a plan to kill your daughter as well, but she is well protected by magic."

"You expect me to be what... grateful for the riches in exchange for the lives of all my children? What type of mother do you think I am?" Camille huffed.

"I could have you killed as well. If you disobey me, I will have you killed. The choice is yours. Do you wish to die knowing your children will fall as well or do you wish to live a lavish life and create more memories? You are not old yet, Camille. Don't waste your life."

"I don't feel like I have any good options," Camille admitted, "but I will not play a part in my children's downfall."

"I will not force you to comply, but if you don't give me the information I want, you will be tortured. You are a free woman now, but if you refuse to comply, that can easily be changed. Would you rather be tortured for information and live in a cell, or do you wish to tell me what I need to know and live with unimaginable wealth?"

"I have been tortured my entire life," Camille said with pride, "nothing can break me."

Vran smirked, "everyone has a breaking point."

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