Chapter 3- The Clash of Swords

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While the army from Frithe sailed across the large sea, Bidi had this sense they were in danger. Less than half their army returned back to Gerak, and they would be greatly outnumbered if an attack came soon, which she greatly anticipated. Her foolish husband painted a large target on their backs.

The objective set out by King Stix was to kill everyone in Gerak, even the common folk. His plan to eradicate those living in Gerak was solid, but he didn't account for many variables.

King Stix's army landed in west Gerak, led by Storm Evasion. They would make their way east to the castle where they heard the wizards lived in peace. George had twenty thousand troops, and he would need to retain them all to storm the castle. But something odd occurred.

As they were slaughtering everyone without a Frithe uniform, men and women started fighting back. They were in the port city of Jox Galu, and women were fleeing to warn the other cities to prepare for an invasion. But the men stayed and fought.

The brave men from Gerak were greatly outnumbered, but that didn't stop them from protecting their city. Many of them had never even been in a real fight their entire lives, but they did what they could with steak knives.

Only twelve of the Frithe men were killed, but the battle would spark a revolutionary moment. A few of the Gerak men had proper weapons, but Storm's forces overpowered them easily. One thing was certain, the Gerak towns would not fall easily.

With a population of roughly two hundred thousand, Gerak was the most heavily populated region in all of Frithe. Storm was ordered by King George not to return until everyone in Gerak were dead, but they had lost the element of surprise. The other towns and cities would know that King George put a bounty on all people from Gerak.

Losing the element of surprise forced King Arthur to react. He sent one thousand troops to meet the army and try to kill as many of them as they could. But it was too late, by the time King Arthur's army met with the army of Frithe, they had already burnt three entire cities to the ground and killed thousands of men and women. And they had only lost nineteen men in the process. Most commoners were not equipped to fight a military man, and most stood no chance.

It was the third day of the March eastward, and they were in the process of burning down a small village where there were no survivors, not even the children were able to escape.

King Arthur's men watched from a distance as children were rounded up into a small barn and burnt alive. Their bellows beaconed the Gerak army to hasten their march.

Modern warfare was often dictated by numbers. Gerak had Gad fewer numbers, and they all knew they would surely die defending their region. But these men were brave. They were about to fight an army with twenty times the number they had, but they rushed the barn and tried to save the children.

The smoke killed the children before the Gerak army made it to them. But the battle was now on. The leader of the Gerak battalion was a bold man. He would fight until his last man was dead.

The Frithe army killed most of the Gerak army, but Blaze had one man mount a horse and return with news to the king. He would be the lone survivor of the battle. Blaze, the commander, died when he took a spear to the chest, but the Frithe army was greatly damaged. They had lost nearly two thousand men.

Storm continued his march east to the next city, but this city would not fold as easily. Every man who could hold a sword was standing just outside the farming city of Hakan. They only had about one hundred men, but they refused to die without trying to protect their homes.

Of these men was an ex army man. He led the men into battle, but they stood no chance. What was one hundred men compared to eighteen thousand highly trained men.

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