"So, it seems like you kept track of what's going on in my life, but what about you? Something new?" Her friend asked her. It wasn't like Max wasn't interested in what was going on in Pia's life, but he didn't really want to ask Charles about it. So, he knew something but was pretty sure that not everything.

Pia's radiant smile reached her eyes as she held out her left hand to show Max. Her neatly manicured nails decorated with delicate daisy designs caught his attention initially, but then he looked up from her nails. The Italian always wore a couple of rings on her fingers, so that was why he didn't find it important at first, but there was one which stood out to him this time.

His eyes widened, and a surprised expression spread across his face as realisation dawned on him. "Pia," he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation, "is that... an engagement ring?"

The Italian just nodded. She was so happy to share this news with someone. "You're the first one to know." Well, technically, it wasn't true. Her father knew, but Pia still didn't know how he found out. So, to her, Max was the first one to know.

"Wow, I mean- wow," the Dutchman was flabbergasted. "I mean, I'm honoured, but it's all so sudden... Are you sure?" He asked her after a while, and Pia as if she once again was confronted by her father.

Pia's smile faltered slightly at Max's question, understanding his surprise and concern. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding. "I know it might seem sudden, Max," she began, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and vulnerability. "But Charles and I have been together for a long time, and we've been through so much together. It just feels right."

Max nodded, his expression still a mixture of surprise and worry. "I trust your judgment, Pia. It's just... you know how important it is to me that you're happy and treated well," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern for his friend.

Pia reached out and gently squeezed Max's hand, appreciating his concern. "I know, Max, and I appreciate that. You've always been there for me, looking out for me," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "And I promise you, Charles is a wonderful person. He loves me unconditionally, and I couldn't ask for more."

Max studied Pia's face, searching for any signs of doubt or hesitation. But all he found was a sense of certainty and genuine happiness in her eyes. After a moment of contemplation, he let out a sigh and smiled. "Well, if you're sure, Pia, then I'm happy for you. Truly," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.


Max and Joanna were enjoying their time swimming around the yacht, so the engaged couple had a bit of time for themselves on the deck.

"Do you want any more watermelon?" The Italian softly asked her fiancé while looking at the last piece of that delicious snack placed on the plate.

"No, go ahead," Charles replied calmly, and his lips bore a smile. He was happy to see Pia eat, so there was no way he would ever "steal" any food she was about to eat. They both pretended as if everything was fine, but they both knew it wasn't. It wasn't that long ago since Charles found his fiancée curled on the bathroom floor after a dinner they shared. It was killing him that all he could do was just wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything would be alright.

"Just one piece left," Pia warned him as if he couldn't see it. The Monegasque loved to see her in such a playful mood. It reminded him of their teenage years.

"It's yours," he said. Pia chuckled softly, appreciating Charles' generosity. She picked up the last piece of watermelon and held it up to her lips.

"Are you sure you don't want a bite?" Pia playfully asked, her voice filled with a hint of temptation.

"That's okay. I have another snack in my mind anyway." A boyish grin appeared on his face.

The petite Italian raised an eyebrow, her playful expression turning into curiosity. "Oh, really? What kind of snack are you thinking about?" she asked a hint of intrigue in her voice.

Charles' grin widened as he leaned closer to Pia, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, it's not as refreshing as watermelon, but it's definitely sweeter," he replied, his voice low and playful.

She leaned in closer to Charles, their faces mere inches apart. "And where might I find this sweet snack?" she whispered, her lips curving into a playful smile.

Charles' voice took on a husky tone as he leaned in even closer, his breath warm against her ear. "Right here," he murmured as he let his hand sneak into Pia's lap under her bikini.

Pia's heart skipped a beat as she felt a surge of desire course through her. But no matter how much she wanted she knew they couldn't. Max and Joanna could come back any moment. The Italian placed her hand on Charles', letting him know he should stop. "We shouldn't."

"I'll be quick. I promise," he said as he untied both knots on each side of Pia's bikini. He kneeled in front of the deckchair and used his strength to bring Pia's body closer to him.

"They can co-" the Italian wanted to protest furthermore, but Charles just started to move with his tongue and with that he knew he won her over. The Italian couldn't resist his head between her thighs. She bit down her lip there was something so arousing about the fact that they might get caught.

"Quiet, love," the Ferrari driver said with a smug smile as he thrust his finger into her. Oh, God, how much she wanted to kill him.


It was ten in the evening. Joanna had already excused herself and went to the cabin. She was tired after a long day. Well, it was no wonder – her energy was needed by two bodies. So, it was only Pia, Charles and Max now. The Red Bull driver left for a bit to check on his beloved Austrian. He was happy when he found her peacefully sleeping in the bed. He quickly kissed her on the forehead before whispering how much he loved her and their son.

Then the Dutchman went back to the deck. He wanted to join Pia and Charles, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw them. He observed them with a contented smile gracing his face. Pia lay curled up in Charles' arms, resting atop him on one of the deckchairs. His embrace was firm, providing a sense of security and tenderness. Initially, Max thought they were both asleep, but then he noticed a subtle movement.

Charles carefully reached for a neatly folded blanket placed on the nearby deckchair. He lightly draped it over them, ensuring they were snug and protected. Then, Charles leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Pia's forehead, delicately tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. The Dutchman recognised that familiar expression on Charles' face—a profound display of affection, appreciation, care, and love.

Max would swear he didn't see Charles like this ever before. He looked so carefree, content, relaxed—like all the weight that was on his shoulders dropped whenever Pia was around.

"I will put the world at your feet. I will love you as long as I love." Charles whispered carefully before wrapping his arms around her and cuddling his fiancée.

Lost in his thoughts, Max didn't notice the footsteps approaching him from behind. Joanna had woken up and had come looking for him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder, and looked at the scene before them.

"It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?" she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Max turned his head to meet Joanna's gaze, a soft smile forming on his lips as he felt her comforting presence. He leaned back into her embrace, intertwining his fingers with hers.

The Red Bull driver turned his head slightly and smiled at his love. "Yes, it is," he replied softly. And as he held Joanna close, he whispered, "I love you. I never feel like I'm wasting time with you. We could stand here like this in silence for hours, and I would still feel so full and good and necessary. I'm so thankful for you."

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