~ ventidue ~

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🌸 note 🌸

Hey everyone 👋 How are you doing? After publishing the last chapter I got a little feedback on Pia's behaviour. That person said she was behaving stupidly. I respect that opinion. I'm just trying to figure out if there are more of you who feels like her steps are absurd or stupid. Please, let me know.

All the love, Anna <3


Great Britain, July 2019

Pia was awakened by the sun's rays that shone directly into her face. She should've drawn the curtains as she arrived in the hotel room with Charles. But he was kissing her so urgently that she just didn't care about anything else and when she came back to the hotel room at four in the morning, she didn't really think about the curtains.

The Italian had to smile when her eyes landed on the sleeping Monegasque. He looked so cute asleep. He almost looked like a little golden retriever puppy.

The eyelash casually laying on Charles' cheek grabbed Pia's attention. She lightly blew the eyelash from his cheek while wishing for only one thing. She hoped this moment would last forever. She wanted to stay hidden in Charles' arms and warm snowy sheets. With his arm curled around her waist in their own little world. Safe from others and the shit life threw at them. Oh, the sweet ignorance, Pia thought, but she knew something like that wasn't possible. There was Lando, Charlotte and their parents, and that was just the tip of an iceberg.

His breathing slowed, and the heat from their bodies mingled to make them feel like one instead of two. That was where Pia wanted to be. Nowhere else had ever felt this right.

Pia's cheeks got redder when Charles' eyes opened. She was caught watching him as he was sleeping. She looked into his angelic eyes and rubbed his cheek with her thumb. She wanted him to stay.

"Kiss me like you missed me," he begged the Italian and closed his eyes.

"I did," she said. "My letter told you I did."

"Yeah, but-"

Pia didn't hesitate. She kissed him before he could finish. Properly. Like she meant it because she did. Letting him go wasn't the hardest part. Still loving him afterwards was.

"You know, I was blowing the seeds of dandelions, throwing coins to the fountains, blowing the candles on the birthday cake, watching falling stars wishing I wouldn't have let you go," she whispered with closed eyes. She wasn't embarrassed to admit it. She wasn't ready for Charles' reaction, yet she told him. The Monegasque lifted his hand and put a few strands behind Pia's ear. This act made the Italian giggle. They couldn't be more cliche, could they?

"Trust me, I was doing the same," he said. His voice was husky, but Pia liked that. "You know, actually, when I saw you with him, I was like: 'is it wrong of me to hope he breaks her heart?' so yeah," Charles confessed.

"Nah, it was all fine. I prayed she would tear you apart." Admitting something like that felt wrong because it was wrong, but Pia didn't want to have any more secrets. She wanted to be honest from day one.

"Of course, you did," he laughed even though it wasn't funny at all.

"Hey," Pia said offendedly. She wasn't like that, and Charles knew it.

"Is the guilt eating you alive, too?" The Italian asked him when they were quiet for too long. The hard reality hit her again. Yeah, she was drunk, but that didn't excuse her behaviour in the slightest.

"Of course it does," he said and looked at his hands. He opened his mouth but then shut it again. "I will break up with Charlotte," Charles announced quietly. It should be the logical step. She would break up with Lando, and he would break up with Charlotte, and they would be together. It made sense, but Pia already knew how hard it would be to break up with Lando. She had already tried it once, and she failed. She just didn't know how to break someone's heart.

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