Twenty: Lennie

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It was my birthday. Nowhere in the last twenty, twenty-five years had I ever been this excited for my birthday. But today? Today I was happy as a lark. I'd gotten a call from the label that morning. They bit. They offering me a nice chunk of money to write and produce a record for their newly signed superstar hopeful. It was my first real production gig (I'd dabbled on songs here and there) and I was excited. And obviously the best part was that everything would happen HERE, in Snyder. Artists could come in, stay at the B&B, we could write, and, if things went well, we could record at Leon's studio. After a few more talks, it was all but set in stone, and there was a contract on my kitchen counter for Leon and I to look over. We'd decided to keep the whole idea pretty hushed when it came to our friends group, both in case it fell through, and because the label asked us to until things were cemented. But I couldn't wait to tell Colt. I'd dropped hints here and there and we'd talked about it in vague terms, like it was a dream. I was hoping he would pick up on it, but he hadn't. It was practically killing me to keep this a secret and I can't imagine it was feeling any different for Leon. That weekend we'd be heading to Nashville to go over the final offers and finally sign the dotted line. It was my time. My time for a fresh start and it was going to be a fresh start with the man of my dreams. I could hardly contain my happiness. He knew I was heading to Nashville for the weekend, to clean out the apartment, but I couldn't wait to see his face when I told him about the opportunity Leon and I were getting. It would be incredible for the whole band, honestly. We'd need studio musicians when it came to recording, and I knew four pretty capable musicians already.

"Babe, come on. We're gonna be late!"

"Five more minutes!" I called from my bedroom as I zipped into the little peach satin dress I'd gotten specifically for my birthday celebration.

The day had already been perfect. I woke up at Colt's to breakfast in bed, delivered by him and Beau. I headed to Orchard and had flowers and my favorite candies waiting from Maggie. The day had been busy, but every time I checked my phone there was a new birthday wish text or notification of some sort. When I finally headed back to the cottage to get ready for dinner, I'd found Colt and Carter, sweaty and planting sunflowers in the patch I'd dug in the corner of the house. After Carter left to get ready for the party, Colt and I had sex in the shower, because I could not say no to that man all tanned and glistening with sweat. Hell, I couldn't say no to him at all, let's be real serious. And now I was getting ready for a birthday dinner, forty minutes away in Dalton, where we would eat at a much fancier restaurant than Snyder could offer and dance the night away at some country dance club. I literally could not have been happier.

"What do you think?" I asked, practically prancing out of the bedroom on my tiny silver heels. I set my hands on my hips and did a full spin. The satin clung to my every curve with a ruffle at the bottom in the middle of my thigh, and a triangle cut out just below my breasts. I'd put my hair up in a tight, high pony. I felt like a total babe, and by the look on Colt's face, he was in complete agreement.

"Hot damn, girl," he said with a gruff sigh. "You look like a dream."

I beamed as I skipped toward him, his hands instantly coming to rest on my waist. "I love it."

"You look perfect, baby," he smiled before pressing his lips softly to mine. "You ready to go?"

"Yes!" I beamed, bouncing on my heels. "I can't wait!"

He chuckled at me and pulled me into him, our bodies colliding with a thump. "I got half a mind to peel that dress off you right now."

I shrugged as I twisted my hands behind his neck. "I mean, it's my birthday, I can be late if I want to, right?"

He smirked, nuzzling his forehead against mine. "We're already runnin' behind."


"But I do have one more thing for you..."

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