Sixteen: Colt

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"Ya know if you guys are gonna be all cutesy all over each other, you could at least give us some kind of warning," Cora stated, rolling her eyes as she settled into the baseball stands beside Lennie and myself.

"You're just pissed because Travis isn't here," I retorted before turning to kiss Lennie's temple. "All jealousy."

Cora scoffed defiantly. "Please. It has more to do with you stealing my best friend."

"Last I checked you wanted us..."

"Okay, okay," Lennie interrupted. "There is plenty of me to go around, alright? We can all still be friends."

"I don't wanna be your friend," I mumbled as I nipped at her earlobe, causing her to let out a melodic giggle.

"Okay, you can be my special friend," Lennie beamed before smacking a kiss onto my lips.

Cora groaned. "You two are the fucking worst."

"Someone's jeaaaaalous," I grinned in a singsong voice.

"Who's jealous?" Carter asked, basically throwing himself on the step below us.

"No one's fucking jealous!" Cora exclaimed. "Colt's just being fucking obnoxious!"

"You say that like it's news," Carter chortled. He glanced around suspiciously for a second and then opened the backpack next to him, the very recognizable clang of beer bottles meeting my ears.

I rolled my eyes. "Dude. You're not supposed to have booze here."

"And you weren't supposed to beat me for Lennie's heart but here we are." Carter reached into his bag and passed me a bottle that he'd apparently spent some painstaking amount of time peeling the label from.

I tried to swallow my laughter. "You know this still looks like a bottle of beer, right?"

"Would you just shut up and drink it?" Carter said through gritted teeth. "Stop drawing attention to us."

"Like we're the only people here that snuck in booze," Cora laughed. "Good ol' Pam Sinclair over there is probably eight wine coolers in by now."

"She's at least smart enough to put 'em in a thermos," Lennie added.

Carter glared at her. "Fine. No drinks for Miss Lennie tonight."

"Aw come on!"

"I'll share," I assured her. I put the hem of my shirt over the bottle as I tried to quietly crack off the cap. I ducked my head a bit to try and hide the pull I took from the bottle and immediately grimaced when the barely cool beer hit my tongue. "Why the fuck did you get Coors? None of us like Coors."

"Hey. It's what I had in the fridge, alright?" Carter responded. "I wasn't making any special stops for your ungrateful ass."

"YOU don't even like Coors, Carter."

"Well... someone left it after a party..."

"When did you have a party and not invite us?" Lennie asked.

"I... uh..."

"Oh for Christ's sake!" Cora suddenly exclaimed. "He had the girls over last night. They had another three-way bangfest! Tasha drinks Coors Light. Christ. Was that so fucking hard?!"

Carter looked at my sister with wide eyes. "We need to talk to Travis about the dick he's giving you cuz you're all sorts of wound the fuck up."

Cora slapped her hand hard against the back of Carter's head, causing him to hit himself in the mouth with the beer in his hand. He shouted "HEY!" at the exact same time as Cora told him to fuck off.

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