Fourteen: Lennie

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Dating a man with an almost teenager was more difficult than I had anticipated. Beau was almost twelve, and he certainly wasn't naïve, so it's not like we could sneak home after the bar and go at it like wild animals. Which meant that even two weeks later, the most we'd done is fool around. We tried to finagle some real alone time into our schedule, but it was damn near impossible. It made me realize how much his family, and even people around town depended on me. It warmed my heart, but the sexual frustration was about to make me snap.

Colt was really cognizant about not wanting Beau to hear us, and I think the idea of getting caught kind of freaked him out a bit. It was alright, really, because in the end, by mid-July, Orchard was booked at capacity almost every day, so I was busy as hell myself. However, this weekend was about to change everything. Beau was staying the night at a friend's, Colt took the weekend off from the bar, Rose Marie was at her sister's in Athens, and I was staying the night. ALL night.

"Are you gonna marry my dad?" Beau asked as we sat on the porch, waiting for his ride.

I almost choked on the lemonade I had just sipped. "What?"

Beau shrugged. "Just asking. He smiles more now. He really likes you."

I could feel my cheeks flushing. "I really like him too, Beau."

"Are you in love with him?"

"I, um... I think it's a bit soon for all of that..."

"I'm just saying," he shrugged again and tossed the curls out of his eyes, "he's never introduced me to a girl he likes before. It's a pretty big deal. I'm not sure he's ever liked a girl before, honestly. Maybe my mom, but I don't remember."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"He's more fun now. I like having you around."

I smiled brightly. "I like being around, Beau. Not just because of him. You know that right?"

Beau's cheeks blushed a bit and he looked at the porch below his feet. "Grandma really likes you, too."

"You've got a pretty good family."

"Yeah, I guess." He jumped up as a minivan pulled up in front of the house and honked. "That's Dylan!" He grabbed his backpack and took off running.

"Hey!" Colt called, stepping out onto the porch. "Home by ten tomorrow."


"Nah, pal. Don't wanna hear it. You promised Lennie you'd help out at the farm. Ten a.m."

"Okay, Dad! Bye!"

"Have fun, bud!" Colt finished drying his hands on the dishtowel he held and looked down at me. "That kid is gonna kill me, one way or another."

"He asked if I was gonna marry you again," I said, trying to combat my grin by sipping on the glass in my hand.

Colt's eyes widened until they almost bugged out of his head. "He what?"

"Yup. Said you were happier and more fun now, so he liked having me around."

"Well, I can't imagine he's wrong there," Colt stated with his little crooked smirk. He stayed silent for a moment, but I could see the tips of his ears reddening. "What'd you tell him?"

I laughed. "Told him it was a bit soon for wedding bells, but that I liked being around too."

Colt chuckled. "I think that's an excellent answer." He sighed and straightened his posture. "I'm gonna hit the showers, then you wanna go grab dinner?"

"Let's go to the store. We can cook here."

"Yeah? You wanna stay home?"

"I do. I've been running like a chicken with my damned head cut off this week. A quiet night sounds pretty perfect."

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