Sam and Jaylee held each other a little longer before they pulled away and went their separate ways. Jaylee went into the living room and watched TV until she decided to go to bed. Everything was silent in the house, and she somehow had a feeling that it was going to be like that for a long time. That was when she started to fear the silence. Jaylee walked upstairs and slid into her bed, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep. 

Only to be woken by her phone ringing. 

She groaned and rolled to the side of her bed, grabbing her phone off the nightstand. It was 2:30 in the morning, and she thought about who in their right mind would have the audacity to call her at two in the damn morning. Jaylee groaned again before answering the phone.  

"What!?" She hissed, her voice groggy from being asleep. 

An all too familiar voice came on the phone, and Jaylee's heart dropped in her chest. "Sorry to bother you, but I need help." 

"Luke, it's two-thirty in the damn morning. What the hell could you possibly need help with!?" Luke sighed through the phone, and Jaylee sat up and rubbed her eyes. It made her happy to hear his deep, soothing voice again, but it also pained her to hear that voice she used to love so much. Luke thanked God she answered. He couldn't think of anyone else to call, for every time he tried to think of someone else, his mind always wandered back to her. 

"I need you to come jump start my car. I was driving home, and I pulled in somewhere to eat. When I tried to pull out, my car wouldn't start." Jaylee sighed and stood, slipping on a pair of sweatpants paired with a hoodie. She walked downstairs and grabbed her keys and shoes. 

"Where are you?" 


Jaylee sighed again, walking out to her car and looking in the trunk for jumper cords. Once she found them, she closed her trunk, hopped into the driver's seat, and placed the cords on the passenger's seat. 

"Alright. I will be there in ten minutes." Jaylee hung up and drove down the highway, pulling off at Denny's. She hopped out of her car and grabbed the jumper cords. She walked over to Luke and handed him the cords, their hands brushing against each other's. Jaylee felt tingles shoot through her arm, and she quickly pulled her hand away. Luke felt the tingles too, and he was slightly hurt when she recoiled away like he was some pesky bug. But could he blame her? He had destroyed her. 

Luke walked to the front of his car and hooked the cords to his battery. Jaylee took the other end of the cords and hooked them to her battery. Luke hopped into the driver's seat of his car and tried to start the ignition. The first three times, it didn't work. On the fourth try, his car finally booted up. Luke hopped out of his car and took the cords out of the front of his car. Jaylee followed him, and placed the cords back in her trunk. 

"Thanks, Jaylee. I owe you one." Jaylee sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked into his eyes, and even then, they still made her want to cry. His eyes were so beautiful and captivating, it was hard not to get lost in them. Luke felt the same way about her; one look in her eyes, and his whole facade started to unravel. Her eyes held the truth, and he could see all the hurt and agony he had caused her. Jaylee's heart was still broken-- no doubt about it. It was still hard to talk to him.

"No, you don't have to. I'm fine." Jaylee ran a hand through her hair glancing at the ground. "I have to go." She mumbled, turning to her car, but Luke wrapped his hand around her arm before she could. She tried to shake out of his grip, but he held on tighter. 

"Jaylee, please. I'm sorry. Honestly, I feel terrible." Luke admitted, searching in her eyes for something to keep him there, to keep him from walking away, but all he saw was the gloss that had formed over those big brown eyes. Jaylee bitterly laughed as she attempted to shake her arm out of his grip again, but he was latched on like a trauma patient clinging to life support. 

"And how do you think I feel!?" Her voice cracked, and she glared at him. "I walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend, just so he could his damn reputation. How the hell do you think I felt!?" 

A single tear trickled down Jaylee's cheek. Luke stared at the ground, disappointment flashing in his eyes. It killed him to see her so heartbroken. He hated seeing her cry. He hated even more that he was the reason for those tears. Luke's eyes met hers once again, and her heart almost shattered. 

"I meant every word I said before you left, Jaylee. It was all the truth." He murmured, his voice cracking, and Jaylee held back the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him like there was no tomorrow. She wanted to scream she loved him too, but he had hurt her so badly, and she couldn't bear the thought of going through that pain again just because of some irrelevant feelings. 

"I find it hard to believe you, Luke." She bit back, and his heart dropped at the way she hissed his name. She said his name like he was nothing but a mistake, and it hurt him to think he meant nothing to her, when she was everything to him. 

"So you are never going to forgive me?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper, and Jaylee gazed into his eyes. As much as she so desperately wanted to give in and forgive him, she couldn't; not after he cheated on her. She learned the hard way the first time, and she didn't want to go through it again. 

Jaylee managed to wiggle out of his grip, and she stared at the ground, trying to avoid his burning gaze. 

"I don't know." She mumbled, and with that, she hopped in her car and drove off, while her heart broke into a million more pieces. 

When she reached her house, she went up to her room and fell into her bed. Jaylee couldn't fall asleep, and it was because of everything that happened. Her emotions were on overload. She laid in her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, but the million hot tears streaming down her face spoke for her. She felt empty-- lost, even. It was the most heartbreaking thing that had ever happened to her. Jaylee's mind focused on a memory of a day she spent with Luke. They were lying in his backyard, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, and her head resting on his chest. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and the light breeze made the hot day bearable. She could still hear their conversation ringing in her mind.  

"Luke, what's going to happen if one day, you find someone better? Are we still going to be friends, or are you going to forget me?" She had asked, glancing up at him, and his eyebrows furrowed together as he caressed her cheek with his hand. 

"That isn't going to happen, baby. There is never going to be someone better. You are the best there is for me, and I promise you, no one will ever come between us." He replied before he pressed a gentle kiss against her lips, and when they pulled away, she smiled at him before resting her head against his chest again.

It figured, when she thought a person changed-- or they could change-- they always go back and show her they hadn't changed at all, and shattered her heart in the process. It happened once, but the first time was nothing compared to what happened with Luke. Jaylee knew Luke loved her, and she was head over heels for him. She was completely oblivious to the fact that he could potentially hurt her; It was because she had fallen so deeply in love with him. People tended to forget that the one they loved could hurt them and break their hearts, for that was what happened when they fell in love-- they overlooked all the fears, imperfections, and flaws, and thought that nothing could ever break them. 

Ever since she and Luke had exchanged glances, it had felt different between them. In fact, their whole relationship started from one thing-- one stupid thing, and that destroyed every little good thing Jaylee had. 

The Heartbreaker's Game. 

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