Chapter Two.

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Song: Blank Space- Taylor Swift

"I will make you fall for me, and once I do, I will do everything to break that little cold heart of yours." 

Luke's words replayed in Jaylee's mind like a broken record. Every thought she had were those stupid words of his, and she was just about ready to hit her head off a nice, brick wall. She would never fall for him, and he was stupid to think she would, were her thoughts. The whole night, the words he said continuously played through her mind as if they were on a loop. Even when she fell asleep, those words were in her dreams. When she went to school, they invaded her thoughts. She knew she wouldn't let him break down her walls and later break her heart. 

She knew the extremities of the hurt when broke a heart, and there was no way in hell she would go back down that road. So, she closed herself up, turned cold, bitter, and reckless, and now, here she was: a heartbreaker. The only problem she had was this; every time she saw Luke. she saw Eric, and she knew that would be the one thing to destroy her. 

"Jaylee, you are going to be late for your next class!" Her English teacher yelled, and Jaylee  returned to reality. She quickly grabbed her books and ran to art. Her teacher, Mrs. Green, who was about seven months pregnant, decided to change their seats that day, and ironically, Jaylee was sat beside none other than Luke. 

Jaylee knew Luke would have one problem, and that would be breaking her heart. No one could even attempt to break her heart, and that was a fact. After a person's heart is shattered to pieces, they change so much, they do things to keep bad out and never let the good back in-- even if that means becoming the type of person everybody thought they would never be.

Jaylee was completely dazed out while Mrs. Green was lecturing about the colors and how to mix them, which she could care less about. She was staring into space when she felt a warm hand grip her thigh and moved its way upward. Luke gripped her leg, and he was completely satisfied when he felt her jump the slightest. He would get a rise out of her, no matter what it took. She glanced down to see Luke's hand, and she grabbed his hand, taking it away from her legs and roughly placing it back on the table. 

"Don't ever touch me again, you perv." She gritted out, glaring daggers through him, and Luke smirked at her, resting his cheek on his hand. He had affected her, and he was proud. Jaylee started to pay attention to Mrs. Green's lesson. Luke's arm brushed against hers, and she knew he had moved his chair closer to her. She hated the way tingles ran up and down her arm, for that screamed bad in her head. It was going to be a long day, especially with someone as annoying as Luke, she thought. 

"Okay, class, we will continue discussing this tomorrow. Here are your art books." Mrs. Green passed out our books and returned to the front of the class. "You and the person next to you will be creating a scene on a canvas from outside. I would prefer somewhere in the park. This will be due next Friday." 

The bell rang and the students leave the class. Luke walked beside Jaylee down the halls, and she was even more annoyed. Not only did she had to sit beside someone so insufferable, but now she had to work on a project with him. Luke, on the other hand, was even more content. This would give him a greater chance of bringing out the real Jaylee and making her vulnerable. Luke wrapped his arm around her waist, and leaned by her ear. 

"I will see you after school today, baby." He whispered, kissing her cheek, and walked away to his locker. Jaylee rolled her eyes in disgust as she reached her locker. She put all her books away and was about to close her locker, but someone slammed it shut, almost taking her hand with it. 

Jaylee glared at him, and he only smirked at her. "So, I was wondering if maybe you could take me home?" 

"Um, why can't you drive yourself?" She asked, walking away from him, and he caught up to her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. The way the tingles shot through her arms made her hate his touch even more. 

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