|Chapter 42| Blazing Hazel Eyes

Start from the beginning

He took a deep breath before narrating

"You know Shiza, I have always adored you. The way I heard that you took care of elders. It lighted a spark in me for you. When I first saw you, entering the Mir Haveli, I was starstruck by your beauty. You're a perfect example of a beauty with simplicity."

My breath hitched listening his words. It's not going where I'm thinking is, right?

He continued

"From that day, I decided to make you mine. You were so generous to those Mir's but they never respected you. They treated you like trash. I want to strangle them to death for even mouthing bad word to you. But I couldn't. You didn't even know me. I desperately wanted you to acknowledge me."

His eyes were blank but his face was contorted into a dreamy state. Like he was explaining a beautiful dream. The mere thought made another shiver ran down my spine. Ya Allah! Please help me.

Barzan again continued

"You know after the Mir's fired you, it was a great opportunity for me to take you in my shelter and that's what I did."

My eyes widened. It was pre planned. He didn't just chose me because he thought I was innocent. He would have chosen me even when I had stole.

So, I couldn't help and asked

"Would you still hired me even if I had stolen really?"

His lips curved upwards before he shrugged and stated

"Of course I would have. I don't care if you stolen or not."

His words only made me hate this man so much. He really has no morals. His voice again reached my ears

"You are far more beautiful than anything, Shiza. I would do anything to have you as my side. When you started to work for nano, I was overjoyed. I would see you all the time and the thought only made my heart swell. You were a source of light in my dark world. I couldn't lose you."

His voice turned possessive at the end. He took a step ahead again stated, his voice changing from light to dark

"But that stupid dinner ruined everything. I called them there to show them that I had given you the respect you deserved. But that good for nothing old woman convinced you to marry her good for nothing grandson."

At his insult to Shehnaz Ammi and Shah Zain, I lost it and stated angrily

"Don't you dare insult them!"

My voice was stern and hard. His eyes twitched before he asked angrily

"Why shouldn't I? They treated you like trash. They didn't even care for you. You're not worthy for them."

I had enough of everyone telling me what's good for me or not. For telling me that they know how to give respect to me. I am a grown up woman. I know how to earn myself respect. I don't need someone else to did it for me. I can do it by myself easily.

I looked at him before making myself clear

"I don't need you or them to give respect to me. I can earn it. You don't have to treat me like a small child. I know what's right and what's wrong."

At my sudden outburst, his eyes lost his color in a moment before he spoke

"But I wanted them to see how to respect a woman. You can't say I'm wrong."

"What kind of respect are you taking about? You manhandled me in a public party and you say you wanted to show them that how you respect a woman. I'm sorry Mr. Barzan to burst your bubble, but you're no more than saint than Shah Zain."

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