Twinkle was shocked listening to this and could not utter any word. She jerks him off and goes out of his room. Alisha was standing outside his room.

Alisha – Chu chu chu chu so sad Twinkle you went to save him but he didn’t listen to you baby awww.


Alisha comes to know that Twinkle knows Kunj’s family so she went to Kunj’s room crying.

Kunj – Baby why are you crying? Did somebody tell you something??

Alisha (Fake crying) – Actually Danish had come today so we met each other in CCD cafe where Twinkle was also present and she saw us hugging and mistook me for cheating on you. She cursed at me. She hugs him.

Kunj was furious listening to this.

Flashback ends 

Alisha – What do you think of yourself that you are very smart that you will come here and destroy my plan? No baby I’ve given my three years to him and he blindly trusts me so leave him and enjoy your life.

She leaves from there.

Twinkle (Self talk) – What do you think of yourself Alisha?? This is true that today I failed to bring your truth in front of him but I challenged you that in two days your truth will be in front of him.

Twinkle also leaves from there.


Everyone is having dinner then the guests leave from there. Twinkle is on the balcony talking on her phone.

Twinkle – I want you to keep an eye on her and you’ll tell me if she goes to any hotel or restaurant.

And she cuts the phone.


Twinkle calls Kunj.

Kunj – Hello. Who’s this?

Twinkle – Hello Kunj. Please don’t cut the call. Actually I called you to say I’m sorry for yesterday. I really don’t know that they were friends.

Kunj – You should say sorry to Alisha, not me.

Twinkle – Ok no problem I’ll tell her also.

Kunj – I’m giving her phone so, say sorry to her not me.

Kunj hands the phone to Alisha.

Alisha – Hello.

Twinkle – I’m so sorry Alisha I was highly mistaken. Please forgive me.

Alisha (Fake Smiles) – It’s ok Twinkle.

Alisha hands over the phone to Kunj.

Kunj – Ok bye.

T – Kunj wait, I want to say one more thing.

Kunj – What??

Twinkle – Friends.

Kunj (Smiles) – Friends.

They cut the phone.

2:00 PM

Twinkle gets a call.

Twinkle – Hello did you get any info.

Man – Yes ma’am she went to a Five Star Hotel.

Twinkle – Great. Follow her and see where she is going.

Man follows Alisha.

Man – Ma’am she went to room no 226.

Twinkle – You keep an eye on her and don’t let her go from there.

Man – Ok ma’am.

She cuts the call and calls Kunj.

Kunj – Hello, what's up.

Twinkle – Since we are friends now, I thought let's go out today.

Kunj – When??

Twinkle – Now.

Kunj – Ok. So where do you want to go Ms. ATTI...I mean Twinkle

Twinkle - Five Star Hotel.

They reached Five Star Hotel.

Kunj – You didn’t get any better place than this.

Twinkle – Stop it Kunj. Let’s go.

They went inside the hotel. It is a very cheap hotel.

Kunj – Seriously, you want to come to this hotel.

Twinkle – Yah. Wait here I’m coming in a min.

She went to meet that man.

Twinkle – Woh log abhi bhi yahin hai kya??

Man – Yes ma’am.

Twinkle goes to Kunj.

Twinkle – Come let’s go.

Kunj – Are you sure you want to go??

Twinkle – Don’t waste time come with me

They head toward room no 226.

 Inside room no 226 Alisha is making out with Danish. 

Twinkle and Kunj reached room no 226.

Danish – I asked room service to bring wine for us.

He went to open the door (He was not wearing a shirt). He opens the door and is shocked to see Twinkle and Kunj over there. Kunj was also shocked.

Alisha – Baby, kitna time lag raha hai wine lene mein.

When she doesn't get an answer from Danish she also comes there wearing short lacy, off shoulder net night gown. She was also shocked to see Kunj over there.

Alisha – Kuunnjjj..... (In a low voice)

Kunj was flabbergasted to see Alisha in that state. His eyes were not able to stop his tears.

Alisha – Kunj this is not true....


He went towards Danish, punched him in the face. He fell on the table and cut his lips. Twinkle and Alisha cup their mouths in fright. Kunj beats him blue and black.

Kunj – How could you betray me?? I always treat you like my brother and you stab me on my back. 

Kunj was about to beat him with a metal vase but Twinkle holds him but he jerks and she falls and gets hit with a side table.

 Twinkle – Aaaahhhh.

She faints. Kunj looks at her and from back Danish attacks him with a vase and he also faints. Alisha and Danish run from there.

The screen freezes on Kunj and Twinkle who were lying on the floor.

..............................- 11th EPISODE-...................................

PRECAP - Twinkle and Kunj went on a coffee date.....

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