🧡 ~ X O X O [AU]

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Seriously though lol, randomly got this idea its 2am again but I feel like writing so i'm gunna write

WC :: 1710 WORDS

in a AU where Stanley is unaware of The Narrator :P


Stanley shifted through his file cabinet. It was filled with hundreds of files, paper work and documents but there was one specific document he was looking for.


He sat back in his chair and spun in a slow circle while spacing out into nothingness.

*Where is it?!* That thought played on repeat in his head as he searched and he started to give up hope. He stood up from his chair and went to close the cabinet, defeated. The metal drawer rolled back into place and he put his arm over it to rest his head.

*Shit.* He had lost an important document he needed. what would his boss think?

He got ready to get on with his day when he realized something on the floor. An envelope? He bent down to reach for it.

"STANLEY" was written on the cover in cursive. Stanley sat against his cabinet and searched around the envelope for more clues as to who could have left it here. There was nothing. No name, no address, no stamp. Just - an envelope?

Stanley began to break the seal carefully. Despite the mysterious envelope having his name on it in his office he still felt guilty for opening it.

Inside the envelope was a small light purple piece of paper. It was folded up and on the front it had the same writing as on the envelope.

*Whoever planned this out really likes my name.* Stanley laughed to himself as he unfolded the paper. It read ::

"Dearest Stanley,

I see you've lost an important file?
You should check inside of your white desk drawer!

Hope this helps. X O X O ~ T.N"

*T.N? How did they know I was.. How did they get this..* Stanley was confused. He didn't understand. Who was doing this? Who is T.N?

He read over the note once more. White desk drawer? He turned to face his desk and took a step toward the drawers.

There were several but it couldn't be too hard to check, right?

He pulled open the first one to reveal nothing. Just the usual office supplies and garbage he kept in there.
*One down... Eight more to go* -sigh-

Stanley opened drawer after drawer and there was nothing. Fourth? Nothing. Fifth? Nope.. Sixth? Maybe seventh? Neither.
At this point there were 2 drawers left and Stanley was losing hope. Why would he trust a random note? Why did he get his hopes so high? He took a deep breath and opened the 8/9th drawer. As expected, the file wasn't there. He went to close it but noticed something. There was another envelope with his name on it?

He raised an eyebrow and reached in for it. He was more confused then ever before.
*Is this a prank?* He thought to himself as he opened the envelope carefully once again.

It read ::

"Oh my I seem to have remembered incorrectly.
Your document will be in the meeting room!
That's the only place it could be. After all, I saw it there

X O X O ~ T.N"

Stanley wasn't sure what to think of this. What was going on? He turned to look behind him to a bulletin board with the meeting schedules. There was one about to start in 6 minutes, if he hurried he could grab the document before it started.

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