"Suit yourself, Hornet. But you better hurry. As you said, you know your own sexuality, and whatever that is, you should follow it," Tarantula shrugged as she placed a hand on Hornet's hand, "You already dated me, and it didn't work out, so I know someone out there will like you for you. Don't give up."

After that quick pep talk, Tarantula jumped off the couch, leaving Hornet alone with his thoughts. Hornet was on his own, thinking if Tarantula was right. What if he won't be himself if he won't find someone soon? He's pansexual. A person who would have feelings for someone regardless of their sex or gender identity. If he won't find someone, then what sexuality would he have?

Just then, his thoughts were interrupted when the elevator door opened, and the rest of the Bad Guys came out, laughing and chattering. Hornet hit behind the arm of the couch, but his eyes were still peaking.

"Nice work today, Piranha," Wolf commented.

"You should see the looks on those cops' faces! Priceless!" Piranha laughed.

The sight of Piranha made Hornet's time go in slow motion. Seeing Piranha laughing before looking forward to where he was walking made Hornet imagine him with sparkles and pink and yellow clouds covering the corners. Hornet could see how cute Piranha is while he was walking and his expression made the insect swoon. Hornet smiled dreamingly with small arts just came out from his head.

"Hey Webs, Hornet," Wolf's voice snapped Hornet out of his daydream as he quickly hid completely behind the armrest of the couch, "What are you two doing on your time off?"

Tarantula answered while she was standing on a drawer beside the couch, "Well, just talking about stuff. Not too important."

"Well, I'm glad you both enjoyed your time off. Turns out we didn't need our tech wizard and our lookout in today's heist," Wolf teased.

"Hey, watch your words, or you'll never see us again," Tarantula warned.

"Alright, alright."

Meanwhile, Piranha was looking for Hornet as he went to the couch, and found the little insect hiding behind an armrest, "Hey, Hornet," He was caught! Hornet didn't have to hide anymore as he sat down casually, and faced Piranha, "Watcha doin'?"

"Oh, nothing. Just talking with Webs, and that's it," Hornet answered.

Piranha nodded, "Well, I better get to my room. I still have a couple of recipes to read," he held out a book of recipes as he headed straight to his room.

Piranha might not like reading, but reading for recipes is his thing. Hornet sighed in relief that Piranha believed him. Hornet couldn't tell Piranha that he was imagining him so dreamingly. The latter might think the former was so odd. Having a crush on a male piranha? Who would think a male hornet would feel that way?

Ugh! Hornet really needed to stop thinking about his feelings for Piranha! They are just friends! That is all...! Or so he thought.


It was laundry time, and the Bad Guys had to dump their dirty clothes into their baskets. When Shark deliver the basket full of dirt into the laundry room the next floor blow their hideout, Hornet was in charge of doing laundry today. It was his turn.

When Shark left Hornet to do laundry after bringing his dirty clothes to him, the insect threw away the dirty clothes into the washing machine. When he threw a couple more, he found Puranha's shirt. It was still white, but it was kinda stinky. Before Hornet could throw Piranha's shirt into the washing machine, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He looked around to see if no one was in the room, Hornet took a deep sniff on the shirt. He didn't care how stinky it is, it did smell like his best friend.

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin