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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I had gone to work the next day and I made sure my mind was clear from clutter. I was expecting the same thing as always, meeting deadlines, editing my work etc but no.


All my coworkers yelled at me with so much excitement. I jumped up and dropped my water "Shit", I said to myself while I looked at everyone in shock "sorry I'm late", I laughed thinking this was a prank. I bent down and picked up my water bottle "no no y/n look", my boss walked me over to a long table filled with food and a cake that said 'Great Work !!'.

"Thank you ?" I said still confused on why they surprised me, I don't think it was my birthday. "Y/n" my boss whined. "Your story just hit our highest record on our newspaper. You broke its reading record y/n !!".

"What ?" I was still confused , I was just barely halfway through the story only on its eight chapter. How was this possible ?
"Yes yes ! Everyone is loving your story ! So we decided to have this work day as a party for you !" He kept yelling at me but at this point I felt even more stressed. "I should keep on writing then" before I could walk to my office my friend pulled my arm dragging me into the big group.

"Relax girl , here have a drink" she basically had poured the drink down my throat for me. "You're doing so good ! I love the story as well, actually the girls in my family get together and read the story. You have to tell me what's your inspiration". I had many questions about my story, yet I was soon to be too drunk to even answer any of them.

"Mmh, I should really get home Riku", my friend helped me carry myself out along with a few extra belongings and a few drinks. "Go girl !" she yelled at me while I started to walk home.

I walked sloppily to my house and for some reason I took one of the drinks I was gifted and drank more. It made me feel better , it made me feel more lose. "Fuck... where's my keys" I stood in front of my door and looked for my keys for more than five minutes. "Hm, oh there" I grabbed them and soon dropped them out of my hand "damn it. It's so dark out" I got on my knees and looked for where my keys could be. "What the... I might as well just sleep out here I guess" I said but soon felt cloth against my hand while I looked for my keys. I heard them rattling and I looked up.

"You.." he smiled and bent down to me "what are you doing on the floor ?" I got up wiping the side of my mouth that had drool on it. "Akaza I was just uh, making sure the grass was green enough. Seems to be perfect."

He moved closer to my face and I blushed uncontrollably from his heat "you smell like alcohol", I rolled my eyes and had him open my door. "It's a celebration Akaza ! Celebrate with me", I dragged myself to the counter and started pouring more and more drinks for us both. "You enjoy it y/n, I'm happy for you".

"No no drinkkk" I was closer to his face and lightly for just a moment I stared into his eyes. His empty and hopeful eyes "you always have been so handsome...", my lips only brushed up against his but I had no energy to kiss him. I fell down onto his chest and whined "I wish you weren't a demon Akaza... cause, cause then i wouldn't have to hold in these feelings". I pouted and moved my hands to cup his cheeks, mine were bright red from the amount I was drinking.

"I wish I wasn't one either"

I grabbed his hand and brought him over to my room, "I trust you Akaza, please stay with me", I fell onto my bed while he stood over me. "Sleep with me", I demanded him and he followed my orders very quickly.

"I trust you ...." I reminded myself "I trust you" I kept muttering to him while my hands ran slowly up his back as I hugged him close to me. "You'll hate me tomorrow, if I'm still here."
"Don't leave me alone ... I need you. I need you tonight" I muttered into his ear and slowly moved my eyes up even though they felt heavy. "You're so pretty..." I caressed his cheek and brushed my thumb against it. "You're beautiful", he replied with a smile and I shut my eyes without noticing and without worrying that a demon was with me.

𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐙𝐀 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑- 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin