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"Every day you lead a intruder into your house"

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"Every day you lead a intruder into your house"


The music kept playing while he was confused on why I ate ice cream today. "Oh I had dinner at work today. I wanted to treat myself" I already gotten out a bowl for Akaza and placed it in front of him. I paused the music once I sat.

"I told you I write right ?", he nodded his head and then looked at me not touching the ice cream I prepared for him. "I'm trying to find an idea for a love story I'm working on", I then played the music and left it on a low volume. "But I don't have a single clue on what to write", I lightly rocked back and forth while the cold ice cream went at a steadily pace down my throat , the coldness made me shiver.

"Well", he spoke finally "I think I have an idea". He said and I was automatically pulled towards him with the intention of listening intently. "You should write a love story about forbidden love, so the guy or girl stalks the other person for days and days but she knows him maybe at work or school. And then you know, use your writing skills to fill out the rest". He hadn't spoke that much to me before, at least not that I remember. "Hm" I responded , this was a really good idea. I had decided that to use it, I had to correct a few things but overall this was perfect for my first story.

"I really like that Idea" I grabbed my laptop and dragged it in front of me. I started typing all the ideas that came to me. I couldn't stop typing at the rate I was going, I already started the theme, I had a end goal, and I had good ideas for the obstacles for the characters. "It's suppose to be a short story but , I'm sure if I told my boss about it he'll let me send a new part of this story each week". He listened to me , and I looked up at him.

I finally had a good look at his face. I tried to ignore it as much as possible and I could see that he noticed that I did so. The strip that ran down the middle of his forehead to his nose was so dark that the night sky would be jealous of its color. His long eyelashes were red which I somehow didn't notice at all. His eyebrows were the same color but I stared into his eyes. His beautiful gold eyes, they mesmerized my own. They pulled me in closer and closer to him , to the point that he could notice that I was staring.

He let me stare into his empty eyes.

Once I looked deeper I read the word 'Upper Rank' on his right eye and 'Three' on his left. I asked no questions about this. "I.." I stated and kept looking into his eyes while mines relaxed. I then noticed how musclier he was, he looked stronger than me. I compare himself to me because underneath my girlish figure I was strong. I use to train everyday instead of walking home every night and making dinner. I still have my strength.

I finally looked away and moved my attention to my laptop writing even more. "Y/n", now that I think back on it, this was the first time he had said my name with so much feeling behind it. "Mhm ?" I replied to him but still looked down at my laptop. "Are we friends ?", I had stopped typing because of his words. It seemed like our kind were enemies. That I shouldn't ever talk to a demon, look at one, or even think about one. To the point my father didn't refer to them as humans, just as monsters. Monsters that were never humans.

Something inside of me said 'yes we are' but the rest of my body said no to him. "We are friends Akaza" I finally spoke and then moved my hands away from my laptop. "I'm really glad you came today. Without you I wouldn't have thought about this story". I smiled and he smiled back, but not like mine, he smiled sincerely, like his smile came from his stomach and his eyes relaxed while he looked at me. This was a look I was never given before, I still can't put a pin on what I had felt from it.

I closed the door behind him and looked through my window to see him quickly disappear in the dark. This guy will soon fade away just like the others. I thought to myself while I sat down again non-stop writing down ideas and intros for the story.

The next morning I was more tired than ever. I had walked over to work once more , yet this was new. A new story , new money, a new setting in my life. I sat down in my own office because I had now owned this compartment , though, my boss still managed me. He finally walked in to my office and looked around smiling "Not bad right ?" he said still smiling like he was proud that he gave this to me.

"It's more than I could ever wan't" I said to him smiling back, yet not a real smile. I could suggest that he was in a good mood that day because all he did was smile when I talked. "I wanted to ask you about something".

He leaned closer to me wondering what I could possibly want, "I know this is the short story section and people usually read from that but ..." I paused and bit my lower lip nervous that he would spit on my face and fire me from asking just a small question. "Can I just write a story and let about two chapters out a week ?", and his long pause felt like a slap to my face. "Sure" I almost went up to hug him or even jump right out of my seat.

"I won't let you regret this sir. I promise" , I knew this was out of pity but I couldn't seem to care , I was able to get what I wanted.

I got home almost levitating off of the floor , Akaza stood at my doorway and waited for me. I ran up and hugged him "I did it !"I yelled in his arms. "Come in we should celebrate", I grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside my house.

Playlist for this book !!


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