Father's Day with Ron and Hermione

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I wrote this story based on one of my own Father's Day. I hope you enjoy this story. I post all of my fanfiction on three accounts. One is Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter1!, under the username DaniMason, and on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. And finally, I have a Twitter Account with the username DaniMason2019. Please follow it for updates on my stories and other messages. I also have a Tumblr account with the username danimason2019.

Also, please check if your guys' settings have you signed up for email notifications if you are reading this story. I don't own the characters of Harry Potter.


The Weasley family was not having a good Father's Day. In the Weasley family, no one was a stranger to sadness in the house. They were also not a stranger to holidays being ruined by Ron and Hermione arguing over something or another. Rose and Hugo frankly hated living in their household.

The kids and Hermione and Ron got up and went to get ready to go out to a restaurant for Father's Day. Ron thoughtlessly said, "At least I will have a good breakfast on Father's Day! Hemione can't cook to save her life."

Rose saw her mother just deflate. Rose never thought her mother had bad cooking. Her cooking wasn't the best when Uncle Harry, Dad, and Mom were on the run. Rose honestly thought it was stupid that her father kept bringing it up. They were on the run, there was no time to make sure there was good food and spices! For goodness sake, camp food never tastes that good, let alone food that was cooked from random food that wasn't poisonous.

Anyway, they found out that the restaurants were filled with people to the point where there were no tables to be found anywhere. Ron, of course, made a snide comment about how Hermione couldn't do anything good for him. Rose just wanted to bolt, and Hugo looked just as uncomfortable. It was only going to get worst. The Aurors have been called to their house on domestic violence calls. Rose noticed that the dynamic between her parents went like this; her Dad would belittle her Mom, and then her Mom would explode, and a quarter of the time it would include physical violence.

Honestly, Rose thought her parent's relationship is like a Demteror, it just sucked their souls out. Rose knew her mother was learning how to be a better wife and mother due to the lines of books on the subject. Her father on the other hand didn't try. It was up to her mother. And the Daily Prophet and The Witch Weekly only made it worst. Ron was held up as the poor victim of Hermione. This was not completely true, they were both just about equally as horrible in the beginning. Hermione grew and learned how to be better. The last domestic call happened two years ago and Hermione vowed to not use domestic violence, and she took everyone to therapy.

Everyone but Ron did great in therapy. They were making progress, but Ron refused to become a better person. It was enough for Hemione at the time.

Ron walked out of the house after Hermione got breakfast from Molly, and Hermione ran after him. Rose and Hugo hated the fact that Father's Day ended in sadness. It wasn't out of the ordinary for them to have a holiday end in sadness. Every holiday used to have hours and hours of screaming and yelling. Ironically enough Valentine's Day was always the worst holiday for the Weasleys. Until a few years ago, someone would call the Aurors because of a domestic violence complaint.

Rose and Hugo would sometimes dream of being their Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny's kids. Their cousins seemed completely fine and happy at home. And their cousins rarely complain of their parents being unhappy with each other.

A few hours later, Hermione came home oddly composed all things considered. She called a family meeting.

"Rose and Hugo please come down, we are having a family meeting."

"Kids me and your father are getting a divorce. This decision is not your fault. We are not just working out as a couple, and it has affected you guys by showing you a sham of marriage as love. Both of us love you children, and we are not making this decision lightly."

Then Hermione had separate conversations with both Rose and Hugo about how she was sorry that she allowed the sham of a marriage to go on for so long. And how she was so sorry that it affected them so much because children are more attuned to their mother who does most of the raising of the children. That meant that their self-worth was connected to their mother's which was being diminished day by day. Rose and Hugo went on and pushed through all of it. Frankly, they were ecstatic that their parents were finally divorcing, and they went out for ice cream the very next day.

Their Grandma Molly turned against Hermione for hurting "her precious Ron" who was the perfect husband while she was an insane abuser. She dared to do that at the Weasley family dinner, while the adults were hanging out while the children were playing outside.

Ginny started hysterically laughing at her. Molly asked what was so funny, and Ginny said, "Hermione went to therapy to improve herself and learn how to be a good person and wife. She also bought books upon books on the subject. When Ron went he failed therapy by not wanting to change his indolent and cruel ways with Hermione. I feel more sorry for her even though she was the one the Aurors were called on more often. She has changed, Ron hasn't and does not want to change. Rose and Hugo don't need to be involved in this, and their childhood will be better without Ron and Hermione trying to keep their turbulent relationship afloat."

Molly turned to Harry, and he said, "Ron doesn't want to be a good husband. He wants a mommy's wife. In less blunt terms he has told me that."

Molly never forgave Hermione for the divorce, even when Ron thought it was grand and he could find a younger prettier woman. Overall, Hermione, Rose, and Hugo broke the cycle of abuse, and all was well for Hermione, Rose, and Hugo. On the other hand, Ron's life went downhill. Ron's public opinion started going downhill because he kept flirting with young women, and getting into relationships. Every relationship was him being dumped because he treated his girlfriends like crap, and everyone was treated better. The only reason the public knew this was because the girlfriends kept spilling the tea.

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