Maya Dursley and Magic

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I don't own Harry Potter or the characters. I hope you enjoy this story! I am on Archiveofourown under FangirlWriter1!, under DaniMason, and Wattpad under FangirlWriter and, finally I have a Twitter under DaniMason2019. Please follow me!


Harry was returning to a place he had hoped never to see again. Number 4 on Privet Drive. He wasn't going back on a whim. The DMLE had gotten a call about a disturbance, some accidental magic, and frightened muggles.

The only reason Harry was going was, he was the only one on shift familiar with the muggle world. Much to his irritation. He was flooded with memories of being stuck in the bloody cupboard under the stairs with all the spiders, being a slave to the Dursleys, and overall his hellish childhood.

He was pleading with fate that Number 4 on Privet Drive was not occupied by the Dursleys any more. Sadly for Harry, like usual fate wasn't on his side. The door opened and, Vernon Dursely opened the door. Privately Harry wondered how he had not died from the last time he saw him.

He had an oxygen mask and tank. He was in a wheelchair. He somehow looked like an actual honest-to-goodness whale. Harry looked at him with disbelief. Vernon also looked at him with disbelief

"Freak, what are you doing here?"

"It is Auror Potter and Auror Sullivan. We are here because there was a report of a disturbance in this house. What is the problem?"

"Nothing just disciplining our granddaughter."

Harry's gut dropped. He was almost positive that the child was being abused. He and his partner looked at each other and they knew they both had the same feeling.

Sullivan said, "Sir, we are going to have to come in and investigate."

Petunia Dursley shrilly said "We aren't letting any more freaks in here! I thought we already got rid of you Potter!"

Harry glared and said "You have a magical child in there and I know you are trying to beat the magic out of them just like you tried to do to me. Let us in or you guys are in huge trouble."

They glared with fear in their eyes and moved from the door. Harry and Sullivan rushed in and searched. In a few minutes, Harry heard crying from a very familiar place. The cupboard under the stairs. Harry feels the tears of rage and sadness welling up from inside of him. He kneels down and unlocks the door.

Sure enough, there is a seven-year-old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Harry would know that face anywhere, it is Dudley's with only a few differences. He had met her before because he and Dudley got along now, and met up sometimes.

Harry softly says "Maya, what is going on?"

"Uncle Harry!"

"Hi Maya, I am here to rescue you. I just need you to come out of the cupboard and tell me what happened. You are not in trouble."

"O-okay Uncle Harry."

Maya grabbed Harry's hand and climbed out of the cupboard. She had a giant hand-shaped bruise on her arm, and she had blood on her back like she had been whipped. Sullivan corralled Petunia and Vernon into separate rooms to get their statements. Harry's blood was boiling, how dare they hurt their own grandchild.

"Ok Maya, what happened?"

"So I w-was just minding my business and Grandpa and Grandma w-were saying mean things about my mommy, like how she was not good enough for Dudders which I think is Daddy. I was so mad that magic happened, like James and Albus' magic. Then Grandpa got so mad that he got up and grabbed me. Then Grandma brought a belt. Then I was thrown in the cupboard."

"Yes, Dudders' is a nickname for your Dad. I am so sorry this happened to you. It is not your fault and your daddy and mommy would hate that this has happened to you. I have to bring you to St. Mungo's which is a magical hospital and I will call your daddy and mommy to pick you up."

"Will you stay with me?"


Harry makes a Patronus and says "Sullivan, I am taking Maya Dursely, the child to St. Mungo's and call her parents."

He brought her to St. Mungo's and she was quickly healed after photos were taken. In about forty minutes Dudley and his wife Anna came running. Tears were running down their faces until they saw that she was fine. Anna kept hugging Maya and Dudley came to hug Harry.

"Thank you, Harry."

"You are welcome Big-D. And apparently, Maya has magic. She had accidental magic due to your parents insulting Anna and they didn't react well."

"Oh no, is she okay?"

"She seems as fine as she can be. I recommend a therapist, I can give you recommendations of ones that know about magic."

"Thanks, Harry."

After hugs and goodbyes, Harry went back to the Ministry and met up with Sullivan and they wrote their reports. Luckily his shift was over and he went home.

"Ginny and kids, I'm home!"

"Come in here. The kids are at the Burrow with Mom."

Harry came in and Ginny noticed how tense he was.

"What's wrong Harry?"

"I had to go to Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's home due to accidental magic and I found her in the bloody cupboard under the stairs. They had beaten her. Merlin, it was awful! On the bright side, they are probably going to jail and Uncle Vernon probably will have a really hard time with that oxygen tank."

"That is horrible! Those horrid people!"

They both cuddled and cried a bit. How could people abuse a child? Maya wasn't very traumatized by it and she very much enjoyed Hogwarts when she was eleven. Vernon and Petunia spent the rest of their lives in prison.

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