Ron and his Mom

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I wrote this because I have had many of these feelings. It is nice to write about your pain.

Anyway, I have three accounts where I post all of my fanfiction. One is Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter1!, under the username DaniMason, on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. And finally, I have a Twitter Account with the username DaniMason2019. Please follow it for updates on my stories and other messages. I also have a Tumblr account with the username @danimason2019.

Also, please check if your guys' settings have you signed up for email notifications if you are reading this. I don't own or the characters.


Ron was always afraid to admit that he messed up with his Mom. His Mom always reacted downtrodden when something broke or something happened. Whenever he said, "Mommy my toy broke. Can you fix it?" or something like that she would sink.

It was like it ruined her day. Ron hated whenever he had to admit that something went wrong. Letting his mother down, felt like kicking a puppy. It wasn't her fault he thought. She had to deal with money problems and the twins. Ron started to feel like a burden.

Eventually, Ron could not handle admitting whenever he caused a problem for his Mom. His heart would pound, and he would feel like he was walking toward the gallows whenever he broke anything in the house. Frankly, Ron thought that no one liked to admit when they did something wrong to their mother. Especially the Weasley kids.

His mother was a saint dealing with all their crap. Ron started to learn how to try to tone down his mother's disappointment. At first, he would lie. If he said he didn't break it and just found it like that, her disappointed ire would not be on him. The lies spiraled, and now he can't reveal much of his lies. He also can't stop lying to get out of trouble. It is horrible, and he sometimes is so mad that his mother helped him fall down the rabbit hole of lies because she could not handle her own kids messing up.

Even as he got older he still tried to act like the perfect child to his mother because maybe he could ease her pain. Maybe, her life would be easier if he was perfect. Maybe, he could make everything okay.

When he got older he got madder. How dare his mother do this to him? He was bending over backward trying to be a good child to try and fix the disobedience of his other siblings. It was not ever enough. He finally decided he would do what he damn well wanted to do. He was not sacrificing more of his childhood for his Mom that didn't even notice what he did.

So he started cussing. He did not try hard in school. He got in trouble with his friends. While he had new problems with his new life, this life was great. The problem is that he wanted to be famous. He wanted everyone to see that he was worth just as much as his other brothers. He didn't work for it.

He had a small secret life from his mother. He was constantly worried still to this day that he was reading anything that his mother would disapprove of. And she was everyone as younger as they were. Like he was freaking seventeen, he can handle some cuss words. Stop freaking apologizing to him every freaking time there is language on the damn wireless. He had heard his mother cuss much more than what he was hearing.

Honestly, Moms can be so mental. They seem to have no idea that their babies can handle cuss words and adult ideas. They are older than you think. Especially if they hide what happens to them or what they see in the media.

Ron still remembers when his Mom apologized for her parenting mistakes. He still vividly remembers them all eating at the dinner table, and is telling the story of his Mom and Dad making Christmas Dinner and his mother flipping her crap when his Dad put sugar instead of salt into the Christmas stuffing/dressing of the turkey. He is laughing and saying that is why no one is allowed in the kitchen. Everyone else started laughing and saying variations of "That is so funny." 'Sounds just like Mom." It dawned on his Mom how her temper problem has obviously infected their lives so much that her temper exploding has become a joke.

"Ron and the others I have affected with my temper. I am sorry. You shouldn't have seen that."

Honestly, it wasn't the worst he had seen at all. It put a bit of a sour taste in his mouth, it made him realize just how much he hero-worshiped his Mom.

Then finally, when he was nineteen he was staying with his Mom for a while and he broke something in a complete accident on Christmas the hook fell out of the wood.

She said exasperated, "You too Ron! Your brother just broke a hook just a week ago."

Ron walked away and was overly apologetic. Hermione walked away with Ron eventually and they hid in the cellar for a while and hid away from the stress of the holiday and the newest disaster.

Eventually, they came up, and Ron's mother took him aside and apologized for her inability to deal with the accidents due to the fact she felt overwhelmed because it felt like things went wrong all the time due to the circumstances of their lives, and that was her problem to fix.

It felt so heavy to him. It made him break a bit inside.

With his children, he made sure he was very approachable. He had a no-judgment policy for his kids. They always came to him to fix their problems because kids are almost always scared fools. 

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