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Mingyu sat in the bleachers with Jeonghan, his arms crossed over his chest. He had a sour face as he watched the school's players walk out onto the court. Jeonghan nudged him and pointed a guy out to him.

"That's Soonyoung," Jeonghan whispered.

"What?! Why is he attractive?!" Mingyu shrieked in Jeonghan's ear as he laid eyes on the attractive boy. "Nobody told me!"

"I knew," Jeonghan stated simply.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier then?" Mingyu grabbed Jeonghan's collar and brought Jeonghan's face up to his.

"Look, it's Wonwoo!" Jeonghan pointed at the boy entering.

Mingyu dropped Jeonghan quickly and proceeded to gawk at the boy he liked. Wonwoo just looked so brilliant with his hair brushed back and out of his eyes, as opposed to his usual look where his hair would shield his eyes. Mingyu felt his heart flutter as Wonwoo stood across from the opposing school's player, his hand behind his back. Mingyu wished he had a sign or something showing his support for his favorite player, but he'd just have to settle for hollering Wonwoo's name.

The first half of the game went by without complications only because Seungcheol was sitting on the bench for the first half; the team needed his strength for the second half after they exhausted and scared the opposing team during the first half. Jeonghan bit his nails nervously as he watched Seungcheol enter the court during the second half. He was stretching out his muscles and rolling his neck, and Jeonghan could've sworn he saw the wig move as he leaned his head back. Chan gave him a pat on the shoulder as they got into their positions for the beginning of the second half.

Mingyu, meanwhile, was preoccupied. He was glaring daggers at Soonyoung, who had his arm around Wonwoo's shoulder and whispering something. Wonwoo had played the first half, so he was sitting on the bench discussing strategy with Soonyoung, who also played the first half. Mingyu wanted Soonyoung to get his hands off his man, but he didn't want to act like a crazy girlfriend just yet— he had yet to even go on a date with Wonwoo.

Much to his surprised, Wonwoo stepped back onto the court for the second half. His eyes strayed to Seungcheol and noticed the wig start to lift a little. He inhaled sharply at the sight.

"I hope that wig doesn't fall off during the game," Jeonghan muttered as the whistle blew and the game begun.

Both Mingyu and Jeonghan watched the game with bated breath. Seungcheol looked as if he wasn't putting all of his energy into the game, and it was probably because of his hair. Jeonghan could hardly breathe when Seungcheol had the ball because just the slightest movement could knock the wig off his head. There was a point in time where Seungcheol jumped and his wig moved away from his scalp slightly. No one seemed to notice, but Jeonghan almost fainted when he saw that happen. Mingyu and Jeonghan were clinging to each other as the game continued. At one point, the coach from the other school called for a time out, and Mingyu and Jeonghan were able to catch their breaths at that moment.

"I can't bear to watch this game anymore," Mingyu sighed out.

"I can't either, but we need to make sure nothing happens to Seungcheol," Jeonghan said.

The game started again, and Seungcheol ended up getting the ball three seconds into the start. Jeonghan held his breath as a tall boy chased after him. Seungcheol decided to defend himself and dribbled the ball close to him— he didn't not plan on passing the ball to anyone. Just then, another kid from the opposing team lunged at Seungcheol from the back. Seungcheol lost the ball, and the tall kid, in pursuit of the basketball, ended up swatting Seungcheol's head. The ball rolled away, the wig fell off, and everything was still. Time froze, and in that moment, Jeonghan screamed, Mingyu cried, Seungcheol was standing still, and Chan finally saw the true glory that was Seungcheol's head.

"Seungcheol," Chan was on the verge of tears. "Your hair."

Seungcheol bent down, picked up his hair, and placed the wig on his head as Chan proceeded to faint. Wonwoo, who clearly didn't know about the whole bald ordeal, walked backwards slowly off the court, only to run into the door on the way out. Jeonghan was still screaming as Seungcheol looked over at Jeonghan with a look of defeat. Seungcheol blinked, then Jeonghan blinked, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, then Seungcheol, then Jeonghan, and then Seungcheol smiled sadly.

"It's all over," Seungcheol mouthed, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "It's all over."

the details are slightly different from the same chapter in hair cut, but i'm too lazy to fix either storylines, so please just go with it lol <3
— bro

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