Prologue Part 1: A Shifter Found

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'I was born on an island where its name I have long forgotten, but to the dragons they called it Demon Shores.' A Deadly Nadder shot its magnesium fire at a catapult destroying it while a Zippleback gassed a nearby house igniting it causing a big explosion. A large warrior grabbed a Monstrous Nightmares neck and snaps it, killing it instantly. 'That warrior was the Chief and my father, Svart Geirsson the Relentless, may he rest in Hel.'

"Chief they're going for him again!" one of his men yelled while stabbing a Gronkle. The Chief was angry and furiously yelled, "WHY DO YOU DEMONS WANT THAT USELESS WRETCH OF A SON OF MINE!" and smashed his war axe in the skull of a Rumblehorn charging and then went limp. Above the battlefield, two Night Furies dived with a screech. "NIGHT FURIES!" one Viking yelled. "GET DOWN!" another yelled. The furries shot their plasma blasts at the catapults and flew out of range.

One Night Fury, a female, spoke to her mate. "Where is he? Has anyone seen him?" The male spoke this time. "A few nadders have spotted him and are trying to catch him but as always he's making it difficult for us."

"I just want him where he should belong." Then the female Night Fury's eyes slitted. "I REFUSE TO LET THAT MONSTER OWN HIM AND MAKE HIM SUFFER ANY LONGER!" The male night fury flew closer to his mate "We will succeed, my mate. He will become one of us and he will become your hatchling, and you will finally give him the love he deserves." The male nuzzled his mate while the latter smiled.

Meanwhile, three nadders were chasing a six-year-old (y/n). "HELP!" he screamed, but no one heard his cries of help. "WE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU, NOW STOP RUNNING!" a nadder spoke. "He can't understand us so....SHUT UP AND KEEP CHASING!" another nadder squawked. The leader of the nadders thought out loud. "If only we can communicate with him, he's just scared and only wants to be safe. Wait, perhaps mentally I can speak to him."

The Nadder focused his mind on the child and noticed that the child seemed flinched meaning he had gotten in. (y/n) felt strange like something was in his head but he kept running from the nadders out of fear of what they might do to him if they caught him, but suddenly he heard a voice say. 'Turn left.'

What? (y/n) was confused but he did as he was told but it was a dead end and instantly regretted listening to that voice. (y/n) turned and saw the nadders but like the other times they don't show ill will towards him. Why? And why always chase only him and no one else in the village. One Nadder stepped forward bowing its head. 'Forgive me but you must come with us,' the voice spoke in his head. What? Why would... but his thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a Night Fury. NO, TWO NIGHT FURIES!

The smaller Night fury spotted the boy and started to walk towards him and then he heard a female voice in his head. 'I don't mean you harm child, I only wish to bring you home so you will be loved again.' The voice was so soothing so calm. (y/n) felt something when he looked into the violet eyes of the dragon. And then he spoke in a language that felt foreign to him yet at the same time familiar when he asked. "Who are you?" The smaller Nightfury gasped but quickly cooed. "You truly are a dragon in soul. My name is Violet and this is my mate, Stryke. We want you to come with us and become our hatchling." (y/n) didn't understand. Why would the dragons, Night furies no less, want him to become their hatchling.

"B-But, what of f-father?" (y/n) stuttered. The dragon, Violet, snarled and her eyes became slitted. "Why do you care? He's nothing but an abusive brute and has a mate that only cares about their strongest offspring. And your nest mate is no better he doesn't even love his own BROTHER!" She roared. Then she cooed softly again and said "Please, we can show you what it is like to be loved by a real family." "We can become your real family, (y/n), just come with us." Stryke spoke softly with his gruff voice and yellow piercing eyes. (y/n) thought and thought and found a solution. "You need to prove it then."

Violet nodded her head frantically. "Yes! Yes! Tell us!" (y/n) said "You must not come here again, no more raiding or harming the tribe in any way, and you must stop chasing me for two months. That will prove it to me." Violet's eyes widen and then furrowed with her pupils slit and her teeth unsheathed. "I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT MONSTER TO KEEP YOU IN CHAINS ANY LONGER," then she calmed. "But if this is what you want then I will respect your decision on one condition," Violet spoke while looking into (y/n)'s eyes to show the concern she felt  "I will place a few terrors in the forest to keep an eye on you and if you need to speak your mind, you can go to them or if you want to speak to me, say my name in your mind and I will respond, mentally or if you would ask, physically."

(y/n) thought this was fair but he didn't expect the dragons to listen at all. "Deal." he said in the normal Norse that ever Viking spoke, but it seems that Violet still understood and with a roar all the dragons left.

Violet still thought this was a terrible idea, but she knew the child's strengths and saw that his Draconis Flamma was growing within him and he was becoming more powerful. 'He will make a wonderful alpha once grown, I will come back in two months but hopefully that MONSTER won't harm him again before then.' With that she and her mate went off to their nest. 

The Shifter And The Dragon Master (Hiccup x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt