Best Friend's Brother (Ron Weasley)

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Hiya! How are you doing? I went on a school trip abroad and kind of lost my flow so I kind of ended up forgetting about this. I'm so sorry.

This week's character is Ron Weasley.

Happy reading!


Dear Diary,

Ron Weasley and I have never really seen eye to eye. I just happen to completely head-over-heels for him, and everybody knows. It's honestly so obvious, I'm surprised he hasn't caught on. But, then again, he always find something at fault with what I do. It's really upsetting because the boy I'm pretty much in love with hates me. Besides, he's my best friend's brother. That's just weird.

"Y/N! Get down here now! We're leaving in five minutes!"

My mum's shouting me, I have to go. Sophia out. Bye.

"Coming!" I grab my suitcase and rucksack and rush downstairs, stuffing my wand into my pocket. My parent's are going on a work trip to Australia and it overlaps with the start of school, so they're making me stay with the Weasley's while they are away.

"Get your shoes on; your mum's in the car waiting," Dad says, stood by the front door. I go over to the shoe rack and grab my converse. (A/N: I know a lot of people hate being told what they wear if its not a uniform, but I feel like converse go with everything. And they're just so comfy.) I shove my feet into them, saying I'll tie the laces in the car. I grab my Felix's carrier and head outside.

I don't even have time to put on my seatbelt before Mum is bombarding me with questions: "Have you got everything?" "You haven't forgotten anything?" "Got your toothbrush?"

"Yes Mum. I have everything. Dad, can we go now?"

I'm excited to get to know Ron's family better, but so nervous - I mean, he hates me, doesn't he? The car ride may have only been an hour long, but it felt like five.

When we finally arrived at The Burrow (as Ginny told me they called it), Mum smothered me with hugs and kisses. "Are you going to be alright here? It's only for two weeks, then you're off to school." I think she feels guilty for having to leave me.

"I'm going to be fine, Mum. Now go: don't miss your flight." I hug her goodbye and wave at Dad through the car window. I stand in the front yard as I wave them off down the road. Once their car is out of sight, I make my way into the Weasley's house.

"Ginny, show Y/N to your room. Ron, Fred, take her things."

"Yes Mum," they all said in unison.

Ginny motioned for me to follow her and started up the stairs. Fred picked up my suitcase and motioned for me to go up before him. "Ladies first." I giggle and make my way up after Ginny.

"Why does every girl have a bloody cat?" I hear Ron grumble. I'm guessing he got stuck with Felix.

"Shove it Ronald." I say, turning to see his reaction.

"Shut up. Just because you're living with us for two weeks doesn't mean I'm going to be nice."

"You like me really," I grin at him, turning back around and going into Ginny's room. "Oh wow! Your room looks lovely Ginny!"

"Thanks!" She beamed.

"I'm sure Ron would like to show you his room." Fred says, appearing behind me.

"What?! No!" Ron shouts, turning pink.

"Anyways, I'm Fred: the better looking twin. Between Ron and Ginny, we've all heard tons about you." Fred smiles sweetly, offering me his hand to shake while Ron is now neon pink.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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