Childhood Friends Or Maybe More (Neville Longbottom)

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Hiya! As I have said previously, constructive criticism is very welcome, as are request for certain characters or tropes.

As you probably guessed, the quote I left was that of Neville Longbottom. This time I'm going to attempt to use an OC as I found it rather difficult to just use a last name last time.

Happy reading! Enjoy!


My grandmother had always been friends with Augusta Longbottom, since they had been at Hogwarts. My grandmother had been a Hufflepuff, while Augusta had been a Gryffindor. They were an unlikely pair, but they made it work.

Naturally, due to their closeness, my father had been friends with Frank Longbottom. And so, I was expected to befriend Frank's son, Neville. Even after Frank and his wife's torture, my father made me visit the Longbottom residence. These forced visits made me grow closer with the Longbottom boy, almost to the point where I begged my father to take me over at least twice a week. I had grown attached to the boy by the age of seven, and, somehow, he had grown attached to me.

When I received my Hogwarts letter, I instantly owled Neville to tell him the joyous news. He replied within a matter of hours, congratulating me. A few months later, he owled me to let me know he had received his. Naturally, I owled him back as soon as I could, expressing my congratulations and excitement to be attending Hogwarts together.

The following week, my mother and his grandmother took us shopping in Diagon alley for supplies. We had bought our textbooks, robes, wands, and everything else on the list we were provided with. All that was left was the optional pet. I begged my mother to take me to the pet shop and after half an hour, she caved in and reluctantly led the way. To my surprise, Neville was also allowed to buy a pet while Augusta rested in the tea shop.

As we looked through the shop, we saw cats, rats, owls, and even lizards. I had turned around for a few moments to speak with my mother and when I turned back, Neville had disappeared. I searched frantically around the shop, knowing that Augusta would hex me if I lost him.

"Neville?" I called out for him several times, but never got a response. Finally, I found him. He was crouched down in a corner, fascinated by something. As I stepped up behind him, I realised what he had been so fascinated by.

This was the fateful day where we would meet Trevor.

"Neville," I said softly, as I tapped him on the shoulder. He let out a yelp and turned around suddenly. "I've been shouting you for ages. All this time you were staring at a bloody frog?" I scolded him. Of course, I wasn't actually upset at him, but it was funny to see his reaction. As per usual, he stood up and started apologising. "Calm yourself. I was just messing with you." I laughed as his expression softened.

"It's a toad by the way," Neville corrected.


That was years ago now, but it feels like only yesterday. Helga, I miss when life was so simple.

Now, as I run through the warzone which is Hogwarts, I wonder if I'm ever going to see my childhood best friend again. I wonder if I'll ever get to tell him how I really feel. I make a mental note to tell him if we both survive, but for now, I need to focus on staying alive. I run out into the courtyard.

There's spells and curses flying everywhere. There are giants and acromantulas. Death Eaters are fighting students. The Slytherin students were sent to the dungeons; I think it's so they don't have to fight their parents. Suddenly, I get a glimpse of Ron's messy, ginger hair. Looking closer, I see that he's with Harry and Hermione. I decide to run over and ask if they've seen a certain brown-haired Gryffindor.

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