Leaving My Love Behind (Cedric Diggory)

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Hiya! Constructive criticism is welcome, as always. (Yes the title is a Lewis Capaldi song.)

This week's character is Cedric Diggory. Enjoy!


After waiting for my boyfriend for half an hour in the pouring rain, I decide to just head into Hogsmeade and send him an owl when I get there. While walking I remember all the things we planned to do: go to the Three Broomsticks; then we wanted to go to Honeydukes; and then we needed to pick up a few things for classes. If he wasn't going to show up, I'll just go to Dogweed and Deathcap and leave.

I reach Hogsmeade and start making my way to Dogweed and Deathcap. I'm approaching the door, when, a few doors down at the Hogs Head, I see Cedric leaving with a girl holding his arm. They start walking my way, so I wait for them to get closer. Then, I see who the girl is. Cho motherfucking Chang. What the fuck? This is the second time he's ditched me this month: once for his Hufflepuff friends, and now once for this bitch. I can't let this keep happening, and I won't. I'm putting a stop to this. By now, they've walked past me, so I approach Cedric from behind and fall into step next to him. He's so engrossed in his conversation with Cho, he' doesn't notice until I slip my arm round his waist.

"What the fuck?!" he yells. Then he spots who I am. "Y/n... Hi..." he says nervously.

"What the fuck Ced?" I say. "We had plans, and you ditch me for her?" I look at Cho in disgust.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I totally forgot," He protests.

"We spoke about it not even two hours ago! How could you forget?" I'm raising my voice at this point, attracting a crowd. Everyone thinks we're the 'perfect couple' or whatever, so this'll spread round Hogwarts like wildfire.

"I invited him. I didn't realise you had plans. I'm sorry, Ced. I've gotten you in trouble," Cho tells him sympathetically.

"Cho, babes, just fuck off," I sigh. "Cedric, this is the second time you've ditched me this month. If you don't want to hang out with me, tell me. Owl me or something. And don't make wait for half a fucking hour in the rain."

"Babe- You know I want to hang out with you, it's just-" Cedric starts to make an excuse up but I cut him off.

"No. I've had enough of your pathetic excuses!" I shout. "Give me an actual reason." He looks at the wet concrete floor. I lower my voice again. "You don't have one, do you?" He shakes his head. "I don't know how we got to where we are: so far removed I don't know where to start."

"Babe- Don't do this. Not here. Can we speak about this when we get back?" Cedric looks nervously at the crowd surrounding us.

"I was just wondering, could you tell me is it all a waste of time?"

"Y/n. Stop this. You're making a fool of yourself."

"Are you leaving my love behind? Just say the word and let me go."

"Y/n, I love you."

"Then fucking act like it," I scoff and someone in the crowd gasps. "We used to wait up and talk for hours on end, but now you barely say a word."

"Look, y/n, I'm sorry. That's all I can say. I don't know what else you want me to do."

"I don't know. Maybe not ditch me in the fucking rain for half an hour? Maybe tell me when you want to cancel? Maybe tell me when you double book yourself?"

He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. He puts his hand on my lower jaw and kisses me passionately. The crowd wolf-whistles. I push him away and slap him.

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