Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor (Draco Malfoy)

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Hiya! This is my first ever book and would love to learn how to be a better writer, so constructive criticism is welcome.

At the end of each chapter, I will leave a quote from the next character I will write about. If the character has no dialogue, then I will leave a small hint about who it is.

I hope you enjoy reading this. Please feel free to leave me any suggestions or requests.

On that note, happy reading!


Opening my eyes, I was blinded by the sunlight shining through the window. Hermione had clearly woken up early again. Honestly, the girl was going to be the death of me with her early morning starts.

Sitting up, I looked towards my other dorm-mates. They were both still asleep. I slid my feet into my slippers and traipsed into the bathroom. Hermione must have already gone down to the common room. Without another thought, I stripped off and stepped into the shower.

When I got out the shower, I dressed in my school robes and left the bathroom. Leaving the bathroom, I saw that Lavender and Parvarti had finally woken.

"Morning girls," I said heading towards my beside table.

"Morning Vane," Lavender and Parvarti replied, almost at the same time. I began to brush out my hair and suddenly the door opened. I turned to find my third year sister stood in the doorway.

"Romilda," I addressed her with a tone of annoyance. "What is it?"

She took a few steps towards me, then hesitated before speaking. She mumbled something I couldn't understand. "Speak up," I urged. "I don't have all day."

"The portraits say there's a Slytherin boy waiting for you outside," she said louder this time. I glanced worriedly at the clock only to realise it was only half past six.

"Godric," I sighed. "I told the boy to meet me at six forty-five, not half six. And certainly not outside the common room." Turning to Romilda I said, "Tell the portraits to tell him to wait for ten more minutes." She nodded and ran out the room, grinning. I slowly turned to face Lavender and Parvarti whose eyes were wide with curiosity. "One question each," I said, knowing that if I didn't say that I'd be bombarded with a million questions.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Lavender began to speak, "A Slytherin, eh? Aren't you dating Macmillan?"

"Yeah, we're just friends," I said. Lavender groaned, assumedly thinking about how boring my answer was. Parvarti's turn.

"Which Slytherin?" I was shocked at the simplicity of the question. After I regained my composure, I simply smiled at her and shrugged. I then returned to getting ready for school.

Ten minutes later I had finally finished, so I grabbed my school bag, said bye to Lavender and Parvarti and headed down to the common room. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Ron look at me and then whisper something to Harry. Watching this encounter, I stood for a moment. By the time I realised what had happened it was too late; everyone was already staring at me. "A Slytherin, eh Vane?" Seamus shouted out to me. "Don't get caught by Umbridge."

I looked at my feet, feeling colour rush to my face, and swiftly walked through the common room and through the portrait.

On the other side of the portrait stood a tall, handsome boy, dressed in Slytherin robes. "Took your time, Vane," he smirked. "I was about to leave."

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