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A/n: Hello! I asked if people would be willing to read it so here I am. I'm going to try doing this first Chapter as an experiment, if it does well then I'll keep going if it doesn't then it goes on the backburner with occasional updates. 

Also if this might be my first Wattpad Only story if I decide to keep this going! 

Prologue: Renewal.

One, two, three, one, two, three…

The art of dance was a strange thing. It was probably the only thing in the world that spoke with every emotion under the sun. 

A Universal Language, you could say that allowed the silence of the self to be the loudest thing in the room. The burning feeling in your muscles, the silent fury that a simple swipe of a hand could portray. 

It was almost magical. 

Rhythm, intensity, speed, all of it mattered. To deviate would be to change your message, and no one wanted that. 

Everyone wanted to be understood…

Kai'sa let out a shaky breath, her vision focusing once again and saw nothing but herself in the mirror of her dance studio. The orange lights of the afternoon leaking into her space. 

"Where is…?" She was alone, not even a single one of her students who liked to stay and watch remained. 

Kai'sa looked into the mirror again, and she liked what she saw. Sweaty and several hairs out of place, it just meant she was doing her best, and if she could do that then she could be proud. 

The door to the studio slowly opened. 

"Sorry, classes are over for today." Kai'sa said. 

"Oh, good thing I'm not here for classes." The newcomer replied. Kai'sa took that as a possible threat, she held her ground, a warm feeling began to grow in the middle of her spine. 

The newcomer took a step forward, the sun's rays passing over their features. "I'm here for a friend." They smiled.

Kai'sa's eyes widened. "(Y/n)..."

"Hey, Bokkie." He smiled. 

Kai'sa rushed to him, wrapping him in an embrace. Her brain jumbling up the questions and excited squeals she had, making them come out all at once.

"I missed you too." (Y/n) returned the embrace. 

"H-How're you here?" She managed. 

"You kidding me?" (Y/n) chuckled. "I promised you: I will always find you, no matter where you go I'll be there."

"Dummy, we made that promise in middle school!" Kai'sa laughed. 

"Hey, pinky promises are potent stuff."

She couldn't help but laugh. It was so strange, she hadn't seen him in years but it felt as if he never left her side. He was taller no doubt, but he was still the same boy who shared his lunches with her, the same boy who had broken several windows trying to impress a crush of his, the same boy who had introduced her to his family because she offhandedly said that she didn't have a mother anymore. 

This was the boy who made good on his promises to always be there for her. 

This was the boy who pulled out of her own head. 

This was her best friend: (Y/n) (L/n).

Kai'sa's gaze softened. "I just can't believe you're here." She pulled him into another hug. 

High Rise: A K/DA x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now