Chapter 3- The Clash of Swords

Start from the beginning

The ex military man, Keif Angus, would flee before he died. He watched from a distance as his home went up in flames, but he was no coward. The only reason Keif fled the fight was because he had a son who was too young to fight, and he wished to have more time with his son, but he killed eight of the Frithe men, and he traveled to the next city to warn them their village would soon be burnt to the ground.

It was there, Askan, that Keif found his wife and children. He told them they needed to flee to the forest. He knew cities weren't safe, but Keif promised them he would find them after the army was gone, but Keif's wife had a concern. How was she supposed to provide for three young children? Keif didn't know, but he entrusted his family with his eight year old boy, who he had taught to hunt with a bow.

Keif waited with the rest of Askan's fighting men for the battle to begin. While Keif escaped once again, he went straight for the castle. He knew the towns and villages had no chance to withstand such a great force.

After a few weeks of burning villages and towns along the way to the castle, the Frithe army had finally made it, but they were greatly battered. They now only stood around fifteen thousand men. They set up camp about a mile from the castle and waited for further instructions from Storm. They had more men than the Gerak army, but they had no way to climb the castle walls. They were at an impasse.

Storm thought their was only one entrance and exit to the castle, so he decided they would starve the castle members and wait for them to come out to seek provisions.

While Storm waited, he sent one thousand of his men to burn the rest of the villages, towns and cities that were not along the way. He wanted to end civilian life in Gerak, but he was deceived. The defenses of the cities were enough to kill the thousand men, and few of them retreated to warn Storm. He had now lost a valuable thousand men. While that thousand men killed thousands of people, they were no longer his service.

Storm waited and waited, but the castle gate never opened. Queen Bidi was smuggling in supplies from the secret passageway. Storm was very confused. A year passed and the gate remained drawn. He was furious. So he had his men build ladders to climb the walls. He thought he would see all of the men dead of starvation, but the second the ladders were full of men, archers came out of nowhere to protect the castle.

The men who were climbing the ladder would mostly die, but finally, a few of them made it up the entire way and dropped the draw bridge. They were met by an army of nine thousand men, and the battle was epic. But the Frithe army proved to be too much. But the Frithe army now only numbered in the hundreds, and the sorcerers still hadn't played a role in the fight. They were eagerly waiting their turn in the castle.

Storm entered the empty castle, and he was immediately hit by a spell. His eyes started to bleed, then he exploded as if a bomb was in his stomach. The Frithe men were afraid, but they stormed the sorcerers who numbers in the thousands. The men stood no chance, but they killed hundreds of mages.

The sorcerers killed all of the military. And now there were few military men left on the planet. Everywhere was left defenseless, and the age of the wizard would soon start.

In the storming of the castle, King Arthur was killed. Typically, the throne would be given to his eldest son, but his son was still a boy, so Bidi met with the council. "He is not yet ready to rule the kingdom," Bidi said, referring to her son. "I should rule until he is ready."

The council was now made up of a majority of women, so they saw nothing wrong with this proposal. The male council members didn't even protest. They felt Bidi had done an excellent job ruling while Arthur was otherwise disposed. They all nodded, then they addressed the next topic.

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