Undercover part one

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This little story arc was a request to have Lyra go undercover. It involves Tech getting jealous, her flirting with someone else, and *cough* a make out *cough*

Tw: A man who doesn't know how to take a no, slight sexual content, sexual references

Warnings apply to both parts, but the sexual content is in part two.

Lyra's period had stopped by the time they were assigned their next mission. Wrecker was excited to finally be going back into the action, and he was disappointed to discover it was a stealth mission.

"Tell me again why we have to go on this mission? Why can't they just send a reg?" Crosshair asked.

"Our defects resulted in us looking unlike other clones, therefore, we are the ideal soldiers to send undercover, as we do not look like the famous clones," Tech reminded him.

"So I'll be staying back than?" Lyra wondered.

"No," Hunter sighed and looked at Tech hesitantly. "You'll be the bait."

"Excuse me?" Lyra raised her eyebrows and put a hand on her hip. "Bait?"

"I told them it was an idiotic idea, yet they insisted it had to be you," Tech grumbled and stepped closer to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, enjoying her company.

"And why does it have to be me?" Lyra crossed her arms, not yet on board with the idea.

"Greya Joyer is known for being a ladies man," Hunter explained. "He's never shown an interest in any men. You'll have to be the one to distract him."

"Let me guess," Lyra dryly said. "I have to seduce him?"

"Yes," Hunter confirmed.

Crosshair snorted. "And Tech's fine with this?"

"I understand that it is imperative to the mission, and my feelings will not get in the way," Tech raised a finger, lecturing Crosshair.

"What's he look like?" Lyra asked.

Tech showed her a holopic of him, and Lyra felt a tug of reconition at the back of her mid, but couldn't put her finger on it.

"Why can't we jus' take him out?" Wrecker scratched the back of his head.

"There are too many guards," Hunter said. "We need Lyra to get him in a private room, incapacitate him, and then steal a holodisk from his drawer."

"I'm not having sex with him!" Lyra protested, feeling Tech's hand tighten around her waist.

"You don't need to," Hunter handed her a vial. "This is a toxin that will knock him out. You just need to give it to him."

Lyra skeptically examined it, unsure if it would do the job. "You're sure this will work?"

"I used it on Wrecker to get him to sleep," Crosshair chimed in. "If it works on Wrecker, it'll work on this guy."

"Hey!" Wrecker smacked Crosshair's arm, making him fall. "When'd ya do that?"

"Like I'll tell," Crosshair smirked and flicked a toothpick into his mouth.

"Anyway," Hunter spoke over them, "you'll need to get dressed up for the club."

"Am I going to be alone in there?" Lyra nervously asked.

"Of course not cyar'ika," Tech assured her. "We'll be there, but it will be up to you to get the holodisk."

Hunter tossed her a dress and sent her off to the refresher, where she changed. She groaned after she was in it, knowing that Crosshair probably picked it out.

"Really Crosshair?" She fumed as she came out wearing a skimpy little red dress. "I can't believe you picked this!"

"Actually," Tech saved Crosshair from her wrath, "that was my doing."

"Tech!" Lyra's face turned red. "Why would you do that?"

"Was I wrong in assuming a notorious man like Greya Joyer would not mind seeing a woman dressed like this?" Tech frowned, making a crease on his forehead.

"I guess not," Lyra sighed.

As the boys went off to change, Tech whispered in her ear, "And besides, I rather enjoy seeing you in that dress."

Lyra choked on her saliva and ran off the ship to wait for them outside. They had landed near the club in a spaceport only a couple minutes away.

She was fiddling with her dress tying to pull it down as much as she could without showing her breasts, when Tech walked up beside her. Her eyes flew up his form before landing on his self conscious smile.

"What do you think?" Tech asked.

He was wearing a set of black pants with a white collared shirt as a top. The sleeves were rolled up and his shoes were polished.

"Looking good Tech," Lyra kissed him and ruffled his hair.

"This isn't too much? I never wear civies," Tech pushed his goggles up his nose.

"No it looks good Tech," Lyra stroked the side of his face.

"What about me?" Crosshair jokingly sneered, knowing she didn't care about any of them but Tech.

"Fine I guess," Lyra teased.

Crosshair smirked and started walking to the club, Wrecker at his side.

"Hunter, lose the bandana," Lyra ordered. "It clashes with your suit."

"But-" Hunter ran a hand through his hair. "My hair!"

At Lyra's disapproving look, he reluctantly put his bandana away. He grumbled to himself as he caught up to Crosshair and Wrecker.

Lyra and Tech started walking to the club too, hand in hand.

They were let into the bar, and they slipped out of Lyra's sight, leaving her alone to find the target.

And Lyra realized they had forgotten to bring their comms with them.

"Hello gorgeous," A man whistled lowly as he approached Lyra. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"No thank you," Lyra didn't look at him, scanning the room to find Greya Joyer.

"Come on doll," He simpered. "Just one drink."

"I said no," Lyra firmly said.

The man sneered and reached for her waist, but Lyra slapped his hand away.

"I said no you Nerf herder, get lost!" Lyra raised her voice, drawing the attention of the nearby dancers.

"Alright, alright," The man muttered and walked off. "Bitch."

Lyra took a breath to calm herself before locking eyes with Greya Joyer.


This wasn't going to go well.

"Hello again," Lyra smiled at him.

Mando'a translations:

Cyar'ika~~~~~ Darling/dear

Baar'ur (Tech)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon