Omega's discovery

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Omega skipped along the hallway, trying to find Lyra. She hadn't answered Omega's calls, and Omega was lonely and wanted someone to talk to.

"Lyra!" Omega cupped her mouth with her hands as she yelled, hoping to find Lyra.

Omega wandered for a couple more minutes before deciding to look where Lyra last was.

Nala Se's private lab.

Omega went through the underwater tunnels to find Lyra, but got distracted as always when she saw the ocean illuminated by the tunnels glow. Omega pressed her face against the glass as she peered into the water.

The murky water filled her with wonder.

She quickly got distracted again as she realized that she could see a couple fish far, far, away.

Omega squinted as she tried to see the fish better. Her forehead was starting to hurt from how hard it was pressed to the glass.

Then she remembered what she was doing and Omega forced her gaze away from the ocean.

Omega finally arrived at  the lab and searched the empty room for Lyra. The wasn't even a note.

Omega had nearly given up when she found Lyra's crutches lying on the floor.

She gasped and tears came to her eyes as she realized what happened to her only friend.

Omega grabbed the crutches and ran to her and Lyra's shared room, clambering onto Lyra's bed. Omega cried and cried, this was too much for a child to deal with.

Her creators, must have taken Lyra. No one else could have done it.

Omega sobbed as she thought about how she was now alone.

She sniffled until she spotted Lyra's desk.

It had a photo on it.

Omega dried her tears and picked the picture up.

A spark of hope blossomed in her chest as she looked down at the Bad Batch's photo.

She knew who would help her.

Sorry this chapter is short. It's a filler, and who doesn't want more Omega?

Anyway, this book is nearly half way there.

Thanks for sticking with me!


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