Bloody hell

438 14 114

Tw: Blood, periods, hormones, slight sexual references.

Tech and Lyra returned to Lyra's dorm, and listened at the door to prepare themselves for what they might be walking into.

"I'm sorry," Omega sounded desolate. "He's not going to make it."

Tech and Lyra shared concerned looks before pressing the button and letting the door slide open.

They saw Omega giving Hunter a comforting hug as Wrecker lied limp on the floor. Crosshair looked amused and looked on with a smirk.

"It's fatal," Omega patted Hunter on the back.

Hunter looked confused.

"Whats going on?" Lyra spoke up.

"We're playing doctor!" Omega enthusiastically shouted. "I'm the doctor!"

"I'm the dyin' guy," Wrecker said from the floor.

"I'm the dying guy's brother," Hunter gave Lyra a tried look, but gave Omega a loving smile.

"And I'm the spotchka addicted nurse who doesn't give two shits," Crosshair chuckled. 

"Crosshair!" Hunter lectured. "Don't say bad words in front of Omega!"

Omega stayed blissfully unaware and continued tugging on Wrecker's arm, trying to get him up.

"Omega," Lyra ended the fun. "It's bedtime."

"Awwww," Omega pouted.

"Go brush your teeth," Lyra waved Omega off to get ready for bed.

"So how was your night?" Hunter asked as he cleaned up the juice boxes.

"It was quite enjoyable," Tech answered and connected his hand with Lyra's. "We went swimming."

"And fixed a ship," Lyra shifted on her feet, wondering what that feeling was in her abdomen.

Hunter wrinkled his nose at them. "Holy kriff I can smell the hormones rolling off you! What in the name of the force did you get up to?"

Crosshair started laughing his head off.

"We merely kissed," Tech rolled his eyes.

While they started arguing, Hunter insisting that he didn't want anymore kids to babysit, Lyra wandered off to the refresher that Omega had just finished using. She wanted to check if what she thought had happened had started.

Her period had started.

Lyra put a pad on, and exited the refresher. She went to her bed where Omega was curled up, and tucked her in.

"Night Lyra," Omega yawned.

"Goodnight Omega," Lyra whispered and shut the lights on her way out.

She went back to the main space and turned on a holoshow, having everyone settle on the couch as well.

Everything was going well.

Until Hunter spoke up.

"What's that smell?" He paused the holoshow.

"What smell?" Wrecker started sniffing the air. "I don't smell anythin'."

"It's... blood," Hunter looked alarmed as he realized what it was.

"Can everyone just shut up so we can watch the show?" Lyra angrily demanded.

"Dear," Tech began, "Hunter smells blood. It is imperative that we find the source."

Lyra huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Does anyone just want to come clean?" Hunter asked. "Because the last time we had a mission and no one told me they were hurt, Crosshair almost died."

"I'm on my kriffing period!" Lyra furiously burst. "Now just unpause the holoshow so we can get on with our lives!"

"Cyar'ika, do you need anything?" Tech asked.

"No," Lyra stubbornly said.

Tech waited.

"Maybe some chocolate," Lyra admitted.

"Good girl," Tech patted her head, glad she finally asked for help. "I'll get some."

He returned from the cabinets with chocolate and handed it to her and Wrecker.

"Thanks," Lyra gave him a kiss.

"You're welcome," Tech nodded.

"Thanks Tech!" Wrecker cheered.

Hunter unpaused the show and they continued in peace.

"I hate that guy," Lyra sobbed, pointing to a character on the screen.

"Why are you crying about it?" Crosshair asked, confused.

"I don't know!" Lyra buried her head in Tech's side.

"Would some sleep help?" Tech softly asked.

"Yes," Lyra reluctantly said.

"Then let's go to bed," Tech escorted her to her room and tucked her in next to Omega. "We'll be on the ship."

"Yeah whatever," Lyra mumbled, already asleep.

"Love you," Tech quietly said, knowing she wouldn't hear.

Mando'a translations:

Cyar'ika~~~~~ Darling/dear

And yes, this was me writing period fluff since I'm on my period.

Don't judge me.

*Eats chocolate in corner*

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