Chapter 23 - from me... to me

Start from the beginning

Tatemoyo: "Fuckin' hell..."

Y/n: "It's nice seeing you again and all, but could you finally get to the point please ?"

Y/n: "You mentioned someone you called "clock fella" so I'll take it that's what you call Time ?"

Tatemoyo: "Yeah whatever."

Tatemoyo: "Time, clock face, stupid ass manipulator, lotsa names."

Y/n: "So you have some kind of problem with him too I'll take it ?"

Tatemoyo: "CLEARLY !"

Tatemoyo: "The Civ kid and I both want his head on a silver platter if that doesn't tell ya what I'm tryin' to say then I gotta say ya are a blatant fuckin' idiot."

Y/n: "I'm just making sure we're on the same page here, but I'll take it you're here to ask me for help then ?"

Tatemoyo: "As much as I hate it... ARGH FUCK, YES ALRIGHT !?"

Tatemoyo: "Ya know these people better than me, so ya kinda are the only hope we got."

I can hear him quite literally grinding his teeth as he looks away from me, a pissed of expression still present.

Tatemoyo: "So, ya know Civ stole that key from Bae an' all ?"

Tatemoyo: "He told me that after givin' it to Time he was promised freedom... but the fucker double crossed him like he does with everyone and now here we are."

Tatemoyo: "Since I know pretty much jack shit 'bout why he'd need it, ya got any clue ?"

Y/n: "Actually in fact I do."

Tatemoyo: "Alright then let's hear it mate !"

Y/n: "From what Baelz had told me, the key holds Mumei's memories, she forgets things fairly easily and I'll just put two together and say that this is the reason why."

Tatemoyo: "What ar-"

Y/n: "Let me finish talking."

Y/n: "A non descript time ago "the observer" also known as Omegaα, a being even higher than the council seemed to have been running tests on if the council we have now is set and good enough to rule well, the very things they represent."

Y/n: "Everything I assume was going well... until some day Mumei just cracked."

Y/n: "She took out the entire council only leaving Baelz, although she was already wounded and couldn't do much anymore, so the observer interfered, deeming this test yet another failure, intending to either replace the council or restart from zero."

Y/n: "But in the end... Baelz begged and begged for her to give them another chance, saying this time it'd be different, surprisingly Omegaα actually gave them another shot."

Y/n: "On the condition... that if they mdae one more mistake it'd be all over or something, I forgot some parts..."

Y/n: "What I do know though, is that Omegaα took Mumei's memories, in the process on accident or purpose giving her memory loss, all of those memories... put into the very key Baelz had on her."

Tatemoyo: "Hold up there mate..."

Tatemoyo: "When it comes to knowin' everythin' about Bae I am YA MAN."

Tatemoyo: "I've read the oldest of books and literal SCROLLS about her, NOT ONE OF EM mentioned that the key would be used for THAT !"

Tatemoyo: "They all said it was for the collar 'round her neck !"

Tatemoyo: "Ya mind explainin' that !?"

Y/n: "Actually it's pretty simple to explain."

Tatemoyo: "Oh yeah !?"

Can't I go back to being ordinary ? - (Hololive x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now