Chapter 26 - The Wolf's Trial For Strength And Wisdom

Start from the beginning

"Student. You mean Razor?" I asked him connecting the dots.

"Oh? You've met him?" Lisa asked surprised.

"Yeah, once. He jumped near me when I was at Wolvendom, told me to get out of there before the wolves came. I asked him his name and he said his name is Razor and that his purple teacher had taught him to help humans." I said to her before looking at her with an amused look.

"Seems he is fine then." Lisa said with a laugh.

"But why does he call you purple teacher?" I asked her curiously.

"He doesn't call people by their names but by names he gives them. I taught him how to use his Electro vision by the way." Lisa said with a smile.

"Makes sense. So, I can get information from Andrius correct." I said to her as I stood up.

"Yes but you have to be careful. As I told you he might tell you to fight him. And I'm telling you here and now to not fight him. He's a very powerful fighter and he may only be in spirit but he is still a force to be reckoned with." Lisa said with a serious face.

"Alright, I'll be careful." I said to her with a smile.

"Take care cutie." Lisa said before she hugged me.

Then she kissed me on my lips as I just stood there. After she was done I have her an awkward smile before exiting the library.

"They are starting to get more bolder." I muttered to myself as I made my may out of the HQ.

Today is the next day after I had recovered that tree. After being intrigued by it I had went and destroyed the ice, reported back to Iris who was surprised at my success. Then I heard her talking to herself about telling the guild about it and I asked her if I could perhaps also explore the mountain since I was curious.

Iris didn't find any problems with it since I am a fellow adventurer like her and have a good amount of commisions to my list. It was after that that a commission to go to explore Dragonspine was given out. Though none of the adventurers took it considering the extreme climate of the mountain.

Though Katheryn did tell me that a seasoned adventurer will be with me to help in the exploration and if I have luck, then one more adventurer to help.

Thinking that I made my way through Mondstadt as I passed through the citizens and knights before I exited the city. I then made my way to Wolvendom as I wanted to get answers for what had happened at Sal Vindagnyr.

After walking for at least half and hour I reached the coliseum like place in the forest which is made of rock and the wall which has a carving on it at the front. I was about to walk inside when the sound of footsteps stopped me as I looked back and found the source.

 I was about to walk inside when the sound of footsteps stopped me as I looked back and found the source

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"Razor." I greeted the boy with a smile.

"Brown guy? What you doing here?" Razor asked with a confused face.

The Isekai'd Knight (Genshin Impact x Author Self-insert)Where stories live. Discover now