2 - A Proposition

Start from the beginning


"Quit moving, or I'm going to fuck up the bandaid."

"Well, your hands are cold," Jamie said, still fidgeting under her touch.

The two occupied her office space, a small room at the back of the bakery. He'd hopped up onto her desk while his ripped pants had been discarded. Luckily, he had a spare in his car (which she begrudgingly retrieved from him).

Kate rolled her eyes and took ahold of his leg, ignoring the way the muscle tensed beneath her fingers. She'd already disinfected the jagged but shallow cut running along his thigh. Carefully, she place the bandage over the wound and made sure to press down hard on the edges eliciting an unlikely yelp from Jamie.

"Real funny," he said, jumping down from the table and pulling at the ends of the shorts.

"Thanks, I've always been the comedian between the two of us. Oh, wait, no. It was a clown, jester, a fool, really, for falling for you in the first place." Kate walked past him towards the front.

Jamie followed after her. "I said I were sorry! Like a million times while you were patching me up."

She scoffed, turning so abruptly he nearly ran into her. He caught himself just in time, but she started to walk towards him again. Intimidated (and honestly a wee bit scared), he matched each step with one backward until he was backed up against the wall. It had been a while since he'd seen this look of hers—irritation with a healthy dose of disappointment.

"You ghosted me," she said. Jamie opened his mouth, but Kate silenced him with a simple shake of her head. "On the day of our one-year anniversary."

"I'm sorry . . . I am. It was shitty of me."

Kate could smell the cologne he used from this close. It was different than it was before. "You were my first boyfriend, my first love."

"You were mine too," he said softly.

Finally, she stepped away from him, turning her back to him to compose herself. Five years and a broken heart, but somehow he still managed to shake her. "What do you want from me, Jamie?"

"Three dozen jam tarts," he said. A beat passed. "And a few lessons . . ."

Kate whipped back around, narrowing her eyes at him. "A few lessons on . . . ?"

He coughed stiffly, readjusting his vest and not meeting her eyes. "Ehm. You know, just, a few lessons on . . . how to be a good boyfriend and love and that general area."

Kate's expression dropped. "You're joking."

"Okay, I know—"

"You're fucking joking!"

"Listen," Jamie said evenly, hands out in front of him like he was trying to calm an animal. "I know I fucked up, alright, but I'm different now. I've been making amends with people and whatever. I even pass the ball now! I'm a changed man."

She didn't seem convinced, and he sighed. "But I can't land a second date anymore, and I know it sounds stupid, but I saw your segment with BBC Food. And I started thinking, and you're the only girl I've really connected with besides Keeley, but she's with Roy or not with him anymore or—it's complicated. The bottom line is that you're the first girl I fell in love with, and I will give you anything if you teach me how to love again. Properly this time."

Kate's anger melted into a weird mix of emotions. It was still there residing in her heart, but beside it now was conflicting sympathy and a hesitance to trust him. Her eyes flitted to his, and God, they were so warm, shining flecks of sincerity swimming in brown pools. She used to get lost in them.

"I want your car," she blurted out. Was she really entertaining this?

Jamie's eyebrows shot up. "You don't even drive!"

"You don't know that," she returned, crossing her arms over her chest. (He was right, but she wasn't going to let him know that now.) "You want my help, then I want your car and—" Darcy's earlier words flashed before her, 'sensitive palate' and helping taste buds, "—and I need you to taste all my new recipes." Okay, so she was really going through with this.

"I'm a footballer. S'posed to stay fit."

"You ordered three dozen jam tarts."

He huffed. "It wasn't all for me! I was gonna share with the team, but . . . fine, okay. Anything else?"

Jamie watched as Kate tore a piece of paper from a notepad on her desk and began writing down all their conditions. Hesitantly, he joined her. His eyes scanned the childish makeshift contract and the cheesy lines she'd drawn out at the bottom undoubtedly meant for their signatures.

She handed him a pen, and with a reluctant sigh, he signed along the first line. She did the same on the second. With that, she took the paper and held it to her wall before sticking it up with a piece of tape.

Kate turned to Jamie. "Now get out of my shop."


     And that's a wrap for Chapter 2! Here, we get a bit of insight on Kate and Jamie's past relationship and the dynamic they've developed for their newly agreed upon and somewhat rocky friendship. I tried my best not to be too typical and cliché, but I might have gotten a bit carried away. Anyway, thoughts? Comments? Predictions? Leave a like, and see you next chapter!


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