chapter 1

2 1 0

Y/n pov:

God, could this day get any worse? I asked myself as I cleaned up the broken beer bottle that was all over the counter of the bar and the floor. It had been a rough night here at the bar, 3 fights and it was only 10:30. I still had almost 5 hours left of my shift. As I cleaned up the mess I heard the bell jingle alerting me that someone had either come in or left, God I hope it was someone leaving.
To my dismay, two men walked in. Albeit they were attractive, the shorter one looked like he was in a fighting mood. I sighed as I grabbed the last piece of glass and wiped down the stool, quickly shuffling to my usual spot behind the bar. Just as I got settled into my place, the taller of the two men walked over to me. Can I get two beers please?  He asked, I nodded and grabbed 2 beers and set them on the counter with a small smile. The man smiled back slightly before grabbing the bottles and walking back to the table where his friend sat. Now getting to look at him properly, the tall man seemed exhausted, with small bags appearing under his eyes.
Y/n, stop staring at the customers,  I need you to go clean the fryer. Joel just called and said he's sick and can't come in. My manager Jason said to me. I sighed and cursed Joel under my breath. He always did this, on days he knew he had to clean the kitchen or actually do work he never showed. I didn't understand why Jason even kept him around. But nonetheless he did, and I got stuck with doing both of our jobs.

By the time I had finished cleaning, it was almost time for the bar hoppers to show up. The hoppers, as I called them, were people who had been kicked out of other bars for either being to rowdy and fighting or the had been cut off, so they came to my bar. Over the next hour or so people flooded in and it was as busy as ever for a Friday night, the only difference was the two men sitting in the corner. Once again I was caught staring at the two men, this time it was by the shorter of the two. We made eye contact, he smirked and I flushed a bit red. It was embarrassing to be caught staring again,  but I couldn't help it. There was something different about those two. But before anyone else could see me looking at them I was called over to serve another table and by the time I got back to the bar, the two men were gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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