Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"You forgot me!" Raven screeched.

All eyes turned to the demon woman whose skin glowed bright red. Klink completely ignored her, focusing only on an approaching Salem.

"What have you done to the castle?" Klink demanded.

"Nothing that I can't fix in a few moments. I would've been here earlier, but I had to pick up what you forgot," Salem said as he gestured to his mother.

"I hadn't forgotten," Klink snapped.

"Then why are you here on the castle steps proclaiming to all of Spookville that you are the rightful King?" Raven argued.

"My delightful demon, I had already planned to retrieve you the moment these low lives accepted me as their King," Klink claimed as he reached towards Raven.

"Low lives?"

"How dare you insult us with mediocrity!"

Voices began to screech that had nothing to do with Klink, Raven, or Salem. The people of Spookville realised exactly what the head trickster thought of them.

Only then did the clattering of the broken castle walls become apparent to all. Many eyes now rose to the rocks that had once been the castle walls that began cascading down upon everyone.

Salem raised one hand and the rocks halted their movement. The people who had started to run away now paused and turned back to face Salem. All watched as Salem lowered his hand and every item from within the castle settled back into their position from where they belonged. Every rock then replaced itself gently against each other and fused into place.

"Fellow, Spookies, today has shown us exactly what one of my advisors thinks of me. I did briefly leave the Holidaze only to return and find that the head of the tricksters, one of my thirteen advisors, wants to claim that he is the rightful King of Spookville.

"All of you here know me as Salem, King of the Halloween Holidaze. You know that my mother stole me away after trying to take this kingdom from my father. She made me into a human, a meek, miserable human. No King of Spookville deserves that degradation.

"Instead of today being the day that the head trickster becomes king, it is the day that he and my mother will see justice," Salem's voice rose high and greeted every resident of the Halloween Holidaze.

Now everyone knew exactly what had happened here and by the many expressions more were happy to hear about it. All of Spookville had lived under a cloud until Salem's return and now all of them knew why.

"Calm, my Spookies," Salem raised his voice, so it sounded above the growing unrest. It caused all to stop and face him, "what the two of these traitors to Spookville don't know is that I planned all of this,"

Raven jerked in place as she turned to face her confident son, "planned what? You were a child when you left here," she snorted in contempt.

"Remember what I told you earlier, Mother," Salem turned her sneer back on her.

Raven faltered for a moment and her eyes went wide, "it couldn't be," she gasped.

"It is and now I will release the whole of Spookville while gracing them with the truth," he snapped.

"That can't be the truth."

Salem chose to ignore her and turned to the awaiting crowd, "all of my Spookies remember that tragic day, the day every being here had their voices stifled."

The crowd all nodded, and despair etched into the faces. The Promise Keeper hadn't helped this world and then to have their future king stolen away only emphasised the misery, leaving everyone desolated.

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