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An age later
"This means that there's a Holidaze in trouble or they won't be in trouble for a few years until she grows up," Devinah said as she looked at her daughter.
"Maybe it just means that we get to have a child to share our love and spookiness with," Salem replied as he touched Devinah's cheek and ruffled his daughters hair.
"Ember won't stay here with us, Salem. She's going to belong to a different Holidaze when she grows up," she insisted.
"Why do you think that?"
"Do you remember me mentioning that Connelly and Avery would take over from the bunny?" Devinah asked and Salem frowned.
"You were drunk and making no sense whatsoever."
"Salem, after finding my place in the world," she gestured around her, "I know when others aren't where they belong. As much as I love Ember she isn't where she belongs. As much as Mia and Cupid love Connelly, the Love Holidaze isn't where he belongs and the same with Avery. They all belong to different Holidaze. I know that, but I'm also not going to be the one who drops that bombshell upon the other Holidaze. They need to figure it out for themselves or the Higher Gods will just take charge," Devinah explained.
Salem stared at her, "you mean all of that."
"Yes, it's why I know Ember won't always be here with us," Devinah's voice cracked as she stroked her daughters cheek.
"You know in the human world when the children grow up they leave home and move away. They build their own lives and their parents want that. This won't be any different to that. If Ember goes to a different Holidaze she's only a phone call away," Salem tried to reassure her.
"I understand all of that, I just know that I'm going to miss her," she admitted.
"Of course we will, but that's quite a way until we get there. Why don't you try to enjoy her being a part of our lives right now and for the foreseeable future," he encouraged.
"I am, I'm just trying to warn you."
"Come here," Salem pulled her into a hug, "whatever happens, we'll be here for Ember."
"I know, but..."
Both adults turned to look at the baby. It was the first word she had ever spoken and Devinah's heart melted.
"She knows we're talking about her," Salem said with a devilish smirk.
He picked Ember up and raised her to face them. With a giggle, the baby belched an orange flame from her mouth. Devinah gasped while Salem stared at her in wonder.
"Whatever Holidaze becomes hers needs to be able to deal with a dragon," Salem chucked.
"She's a dragon," Devinah tried to process the very thought of that.
"She breathes fire, so, yes, she's a dragon," Salem didn't sound surprised at all.
"But she can't belong to another Holidaze and be a dragon," she said with a shake of her head.
"Listen, you need to stop worrying about all of that. Whatever happens to Ember when she's grown is something we'll deal with when she's grown," he patted her hand to try to ease her mind.
"Alright, I'll try not to think about it."
"In the meantime we need to get ourselves moving and organised for the Holidaze meeting. Sander said he'd get here around midday."
"Cupid said he'd be here around the same time."
"In that case, it's up and moving time, my scarer of the world."
Salem boosted her upright from where they lay comfortably ensconced together with Ember beside them. Devinah blew out a breath as she turned to watch Salem toss Ember into the air and catch her as he stood. Their baby giggled delightfully and she smiled at their antics.
It didn't take them long to have an area set up for the meeting. The massive room had large windows that looked out over the moat around the castle.
Occasionally, large snapping jaws appeared from the many creatures who dwelled within. Salem had made the moat for Devinah as a gift and she loved it.
"Do we have snacks ready for every Holidaze?" Devinah asked as she glanced around the room.
"For once I wish they'd embrace our food," Salem grumbled.
"Eyeball soup or bat pancakes are not exactly everyone's favourite things."
"It's called embracing others cultures and their food. It was part of life in the human world. I could just go to the shops and have food from all different places around the world," Salem pointed out.
"That's great, except for one thing, this isn't the human world. Would you like them to force you to eat gingerbread toast or candy cane pancakes when we attend the next meeting at Santa's Village?"
Salem grimaced, "I get what you're saying. I have no clue how they can eat such a large amount of sugary stuff."
Devinah shrugged, "because it's Santa's Village."
The different Holidaze began to make their way into Spookville. Sander and Cupid arrived first with Meri and Mia. Everyone gushed over little Ember and that delighted Devinah.
The other Holidaze began to pour in and seated themselves at the appropriate places. Salem opened the meeting once everyone arrived.
Discussion began over mundane topics like the number of magical suctions each Holidaze had used or any up and coming problems that each Holidaze had. It was only when they arrived at the Easter Holidaze that things began to go wrong.
"I'm done being the bunny," Easter Bunny declared, "from now on you can call me Roy."
After his declaration, the whole room stared at him. He then proceeded to remove the giant pink rabbit suit he insisted on wearing. What he wore beneath was a pin stripe suit.
"Told you this would happen," Devinah whispered to Salem who struggled to keep his shock hidden.
"Easter..." Santa started to say.
The Easter Bunny interrupted, "its Roy!" he insisted.
"Fine, Roy," Santa struggled with the name, "you were the one who came to us with the whole Easter Bunny idea and delivering chocolates just as we delivered presents."
"And now I'm done," Roy replied with a snap of his fingers.
"It doesn't work that way," Severson added.
"Like you can talk," Roy harrumphed, "you disappeared from here."
"Except I never actually left. I was here the whole time, which is why Spookville continued to run with no issues," Severson pointed out as he flashed his fangs at the now suit dressed Bunny.
"I don't care what any of you think! Let Bunnyvale decay and vanish. Chocolate is an evil in the human world and the rabbit only encourages the consumption of its poison!" Roy grew angrier with his voice shaking.
"Chocolate isn't the only food to cause issues in the human world, uh, Roy. What are you going to do if you're not the Easter Bunny?" Salem asked carefully.
"I'm going to the human world to be a health consultant," Ray said proudly as he clasped his lapels and tugged his jacket closed.
"The Higher Gods won't let you leave," Cupid said
"There's replacements here," he eyed Cupid with a nasty look.
"No fights are going to start within our Holidaze," Devinah said as she stood and everyone fell silent, "the truth is that Roy has it correct. Children born within any Holidaze are born for a reason. They are born as a replacement for someone, normally within a different Holidaze. In Salem's case, for example, he was born here to save his own Holidaze," Devinah told them all.
"Avery?" Meri asked softly as she thought of her daughter back at Santa's Village.
"Yes, and Connelly and even Ember who is still just a babe," Devinah replied.
"How would you know?" Sander asked more curiously then Devinah expected.
"Because I was one."
The room once again fell into silence. Every member of every Holidaze stared at her. Devinah cleared her throat and tried to word what she needed in her head.
"I don't know the full story, only the Higher Gods would know," Devinah started to say only to stop.
A blazing light beamed into the corner of the room and all eyes swivelled toward it. This was the most untoward meeting that any of the Holidaze had dealt with.
One of the Higher Gods appeared. She was the only female of the group of Higher Gods and Devinah had only met her a few times in her many dealing with the Higher Gods.
"I think an explanation is in order," the Higher God said as she stepped forward.
"Proceed," Severson said.
The Higher God turned to Devinah, "hello, Daughter," she said softly.
Devinah jerked backwards and almost fell out of her chair, "is this some kind of a joke?"
"No, not a joke. Santa as the first ever Holidaze, do you recall the revolt?" the Higher God asked.
Santa stared thoughtfully at the Higher God, "we were told never to speak of it."
"Today we shall. At the beginning you all slowly gathered here. All humans wanting to do helpful things for other humans. You all developed your little worlds into how you wanted them to be, your own little Holidaze. There was a new joy within the human world and all of these Holidaze
"Not long after, some found their new Holidaze not to their liking. The dissent grew and spread. Soon, all the Holidaze came together to protest the lack of progression and how they wanted to leave.
"So, the Higher Gods, who were all male at the time, chose me from the human world. I was to bear the child who would set everything to right," the Higher God explained making all eyes turn to Devinah.
"The Higher God males showed disappointment at a female child and believed that she couldn't help them. They named her something useless and sent her out into the many Holidaze, so she could be out of their way," the Higher God chuckled and shook her head.
"What in the Holidaze?" Devinah exclaimed.
"Except they were wrong. You know exactly how this world should run. You even see Ember's future and she's but a babe," the Higher God said proudly.
Devinah sat there gobsmacked. It was as impossible to believe as George being the king of Halloween when she had first met him.
When the Higher God smiled at her reassuringly, Devinah quickly looked away. Her heart hammered loudly in her chest and she struggled with all that she had heard.
"You're my mother?" Devinah asked as she stared at the Higher God.
"Then why have you never been a mother to me?" the woman stared at her, blinked and then frowned.
"I'm not sure I understand what you mean."
"Do you see how I act with Ember? I love my daughter and would do anything for her. It's the same, I'm sure, how Meri and Mia feel about their children. You act as if I'm a person you don't even know," Devinah grew angrier while the Higher God looked baffled.
"We cannot love in the manner that you do. It is not within us as we exist only to make sure each holiday world runs as it should," the Higher God sounded detached.
"Well, that's my life explained. This is why I ended up on all the other Holidaze, isn't it?"
"Yes, the other Higher Gods didn't see your potential."
"What's the truth of my life got to do with what's going on here?" Devinah waved an arm around the room.
Salem, who noticed her distress, reached over and squeezed an arm onto her shoulder. She turned to him and he smiled reassuringly.
"We both have terrible mothers, but we are good parents to Ember. We love her and look after her. This woman doesn't really matter in our lives, okay," he said as he cuddled her closer into his embrace.
"I can see that. It just might take me a while to adjust."
"You can take all the time you need."
"Are you here because I'm leaving?" Roy, the latter Easter Bunny, asked as the room fell silent.
"Devinah, who here is set to take over Bunnyvale?" the Higher God asked with an encouraging smile.
"Avery and Connelly will run Bunnyvale jointly, so, Roy, you can be on your way whenever you want to go," Devinah turned from Meri and Sander to Mia and Cupid and then lastly to Roy.
"You... you can't get rid of me that quickly," Roy blustered.
"You're the one who said you're leaving, so you might as well do it," Devinah waved a dismissive hand at him.
Before he could reply, the Higher God made a long sighing noise that captured everyone's attention, "we are leaving this group of worlds in the right hands," she said proudly.
"What does that mean?" Devinah asked suspiciously.
"You, Devinah, are the ruler of this collection of worlds known as the Holidaze."
"Um, no, I'm ruler here in Spookville," Devinah declared.
"You are now the ruler of all!" the Higher God's voice rose to the roof and fluttered back down around them.
The Higher God lifted but one finger and a blaze of power flew from that digit. The power flowed in silver streaks towards Devinah, who hadn't prepared herself. She shuddered under such a sudden influx of power.
"We were never really here in the same way as you are, Devinah. You are now a part of every Holidaze. The Higher Gods are no longer. Devinah is no longer the scarer of the world, she is the only Higher God."
At the end of the Higher Gods speech, she vanished. The room fell to silence once again. Every face had a gaped mouth and wide eyes as they turned to a shell shocked Devinah.
"What just happened?" Devinah finally asked the stunned room.
Nobody answered but Santa stood and swiftly bowed to her. He nudged his sons arm, so Sander and Meri also bowed. It took a moment for the room to catch on before they had all swept a bow to her.
It was only when Salem went to bow that Devinah pulled him to a stop. His expression was as amazed as everyone else's but merriment danced in his eyes.
"It's shocking when you figure out who you are, isn't it?" he asked with a cheeky grin.
"I don't think I have figured out who I am," Devinah replied.
"You are now the only Higher God. You rule all of us," he pointed out with a smirk.
"Is that what the bowing is all about?" she asked as she looked around at the many nodding heads.
"Obviously," Salem replied dryly.
"No more bowing," Devinah demanded, "and, Roy, I would like it if you would stay for a short while just to show Avery and Connelly how Bunnyvale works."
"I'm happy to do that," Roy answered.
"Is there anything else for today's meeting?"
"Perhaps we should discuss all that we just heard," Salem pointed to where the Higher God had vanished.
"Not right now. I need time to think it all over. We'll have a special meeting about my new status soon."
"Are you staying in Spookville?" Cupid asked.
"Yes, my home will always be here. If you need me for anything, you'll find me in Spookville," Devinah informed everyone.
The meeting broke up around her and though many Holidaze representatives tried to approach her, Devinah couldn't find a way to focus on them. Her world had shifted significantly and she struggled to grasp its truth.
"Come on, Higher God extraordinaire," Salem teased so she could finally focus on him.
"I'm now the only Higher God," she said as she stared up into his fathomless green eyes.
"Yes, and I don't think they could've chosen one better."
"Really, Salem?"
He pulled her into his arms and smiled in a way that eased her anxiety, "I now have the most powerful person in this world as my partner. Think of all the fun we can have with that," his grin turned devilish.
"Salem, that's so not the point," she smacked him in the chest.
"Then look at it this way, you now know exactly where you belong."
"I belong with you and Ember."
"And as the boss of all the Holidaze."
Devinah huffed at him not taking her seriously. Her whole life now stood askew and he didn't seem to understand.
"No matter what happens, you still have me," he promised and she relaxed.
"That's good to know."
For the first time since the Higher God had spoken, Devinah could take in exactly what she heard. She was now the Higher God for all of the Holidaze. She was the person in charge.
With a glance at Salem, she realised that as long as they had each other and their sweet child then nothing else really mattered. Their life wouldn't change terribly just because she was now in charge.
"In charge of all the Holidaze," she murmured in amazement.
"Yep, look out all the Holidaze because here's comes boss Devinah," Salem teased.
"Then I guess it's time to make plans," she said as she slapped one hand into the other.
"Higher God duties are taking over already," he sighed.
"Come here," he waggled a finger and she let him coax her back into his arms, "we'll always have each other so we'll be fine," he assured her
Devinah nodded and began to accept her new place in the world. From the moment of Ember's birth, she knew what Holidaze her daughter would become the leader of. Salem wouldn't be at all happy with it, but she had known.
Finding her place in the world left her awed and overwhelmed but she knew she could do what was asked of her. After all the revelations of the day she knew deep in her soul that this was her place.
Salem stroked her hair and she realised that even if some things changed some would remain constant. With Salem by her side, she would be the best Higher God any of the Holidaze had ever known. Now she just had to figure out where to start.
The End

Thanks for reading my story. Please add a comment to tell me what you thought of this one. Thanks for being patient readers and I do hope you enjoyed reading about Devinah and Salem.

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