Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Back off," Devinah's voice commanded attention, the only problem was that she had no jurisdiction in the Halloween Holidaze and every single being knew that.

"Getting rid of you, Pretender, is one of the first things we as the Holidaze must do after this nefarious ruining of our precious day," the head of the Tricksters, Klink, pointed a fierce finger at Devinah.

George's anger fired to life, "do not threaten the life of this woman," George growled. The timbre of his voice changed to darkness and every being backed away, "she had nothing to do with what happened here today."

Klink cowered and dropped into a bow, "Sire, I had no desire to displeasure you but this imposter..."

"Speak no word against Devinah," George roared, and the area dropped into silence.

Every pitchfork lowered and every single creature dropped into a bow. George had no idea what had caused such a response but he appreciated it.

"Maybe you are the king of the Halloween Holidaze," Devinah said in amazement as her eyes dared to look upon George.

"You know I'm not," George whispered before turning back to the assembled, bowing masses, "what happened today was not what we had planned. I would appreciate it if you would give us another chance to prove to you that we do belong here. To show you that we are as scary as all of you. That we can trick just as well as we treat. What do you say?"

George had no idea why he said such a thing, but he did want a chance to prove himself. He shook his head at his own stupid thoughts. Surely messing this up would make all of those Mr and Miss High's send him back home. Why did he have the urge to please these people, or beings, or whatever they were? Shouldn't this disaster make him happy?

Instead, when he looked around at all the ghoulish faces, he wanted to please them. He wanted to give them the best scare of their lives, just like they expected him to. What was this place doing to him?

"You are the King of the Halloween Holidaze and you don't ask them what they want. You've simply confused them, George. All they want is a good scare. Rephrase your words and tell them that's what you're doing," Devinah said with a nudge to his arm.

George took that moment to look around at the many beasties surrounding him. He released that, once again, Devinah had things right. Most of the creatures frowned at him. The headless horseman scratched at the spot where his chin should be, until he found his head tucked away in his saddled bags and started rubbing his actual chin. Even Phineas, who he thought was the soundest of all his advisors, looked at him in bafflement.

George sighed and prepared to take Devinah's advice, "uh, population of Halloween, know that I will bring you the haunted house that I promised. Everyone will get a good scare."

Claps of joy resounded around him. Pleased smiles beamed from every face and George sighed with relief. At least they forgave him for the petting zoo, which he still didn't understand how it had come into existence.

"Time to leave now while they still look happy," Devinah encouraged with a poke in his side.

George said nothing more as he backed away. With one last look at the many ghoulish faces, he turned and walked back into his ever-gloomy new castle home.

"I still can't understand where our scary haunted house went," Devinah mused from where she walked beside him.

"I hardly know how this place works, so I haven't got a clue," George replied.

"I wonder if the other Holidaze are experiencing any glitches like this?"

"Other Holidaze? What does that mean?"

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