Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Devinah didn't know where Salem intended to lead her. When he left the castle grounds and walked out past the Spookville village, she puzzled over whether he knew where he wanted to head. Once she walked past the perimeter that she knew, she pulled him to a stop.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"There's a place I used to fly to as a dragon when I was younger. I can feel it. I need to find it again, it's important," Salem replied distractedly.

"Are you remembering things without the memories you left for yourself?"

"It's a vague recollection but I know I can find it," Salem insisted.

"Let's keep moving forward," Devinah gestured in front of them.

An eerie darkness filled with a spookiness she should've predicted made her shiver. They continued walking towards a looming shape, which eventually turned into a bare mountain free of anything living. Dead trees showed scrawny branch arms that twisted into disturbing shapes that dotted over the mountain.

"It's at the top," Salem gestured to the peak that towered over them.

"That looks like fun," Devinah said wryly.

"If you give me a second, I may be able to figure out a solution," Salem admitted.

"Okay, go for it, otherwise it's going to be a long walk to the top of that mountain."

"You need to step back."

With great reluctance, she released his hand and stepped away. She wasn't sure if there was anything that could help them climb the imposing mountain. It would take gruelling effort.

"Step back even further, Devinah," Salem warned.

She moved back until he almost disappeared into the gloom. Only then did he nod his head in satisfaction and she came to a halt.

Salem wasn't sure how to achieve exactly what he wanted to do. He knew he could accomplish it because he had done it as a child. If only he could contact his father to receive advice, but he knew that wouldn't happen. He had to figure out this impossibility himself.

What had ever brought his dragon alive before? He had no idea. The itchy skin had vanished with the Oil of Dragon, but it had been his indicator when his skin flamed. Now he had nothing, just himself. A lump of Salem who was still too much George to even find his dragon within himself.

He turned to Devinah with a frown and saw her watching him with great care. She smiled encouragingly but he could sense her unease at being here. This woman had helped him out in so many ways, and here he was failing at the one thing he should manage with ease.

They needed to get to the top of the mountain because he knew he'd find answers there. Now he needed to change to get them there and he had no clue of what to do.

He closed his eyes, dragged in a breath, and thought dragon. Never had he felt more ridiculous. A burning anger built within him when nothing happened. He focused on it until the burning turned into a blazing fire.

In the next instant, the change swallowed him whole in a gigantic wave. His body shifted from his puny human form to one that terrorised at one small glance.

Devinah had watched him with growing uncertainty of what he had planned. The moment his body started to change, a tingling had filled the air. She could only gape at the huge, bronze dragon that stood in front of her and took up every ounce of space. The sight awed her. Salem really was a spectacular but awesome dragon. This was who he was.

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