He reached up, taking hold of my wrists to wrap them around his shoulders and settle on his bare chest as he tilted his head up just enough to look at me.

"What about you? You went to the same university that we did, right?"

I shifted my hold on him, letting my hands lay flat against his stomach.

"I did, but I didn't graduate. Only went for two and a half years before dropping out and opening my shop."

"What was your major?"

"Business. It wasn't my choice to go to university. My dad decided it would be best for me to do, but I hated it and was able to convince him to let me drop out. Guess I should have known that I was playing with fire with how easily he agreed to that."

The silence between us was heavy. I listened to Jin's breathing, the steady rhythm relaxing coupled with the even beating of his heart against my chest. The scent of the vanilla bath bomb Jin added earlier permeated the air, only making me want to sink even further into the warm water.

"It's a shame we never ran into you in those days." He murmured.

Little did he know that one of them apparently had run into me. That wasn't my secret to tell though, and I imagined that if Yoongi had wanted them to know, he would have told them. Instead, I decided to tease him a little.

"Oh? Are you sure I would have even been interested if we had?"

He scoffed. "Of course you would have been interested. Have you seen this face?"

I laughed, leaning over him a bit more to place my chin on his shoulder.

"You know, I may have graduated years ago, but I'm still just as good looking now as I was then. Maybe even more so."

"Hmm, that may be true, but you wouldn't have necessarily been my type back then."

He turned in my arms, trapping me against the edge of the tub as his large body towered over mine. The playfulness in his gaze making me smile impishly.

"Do tell. If not me, who would you have gone for?"

"What makes you think that any of you would have fit the bill?" I asked cockily.

"Because there's seven of us and even if neither of us were exactly your type, at least one of us had to be close. Now spill. I'm dying to know."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging him a little bit closer to me.

"All that matters now is that I have all of you. And I wouldn't trade you for the world."

Our lips gravitated to one another. Jin's intoxicating mix of tastes hitting me as if I was a junkie that had been going through withdrawals. The kiss was less about the desire between us and more of the contentment we felt being in the other's presence. Both of us seeking that comfort and sense of belonging.

"I needed this." I sighed happily against his mouth.

"Me too. I almost hate that I have to go in tomorrow. I'd love nothing more than to spend a lazy morning with you."

"That sounds really nice."

"Maybe we can do that when we're on vacation."

I paused. Pulling back to meet his eyes that were full of amusement.

"You're going?"

"I mean, I haven't taken a vacation in years. I might as well use all the hours off I can and what better excuse to use them than a vacation with my beautiful girlfriend."

The information made me giddy. I squealed excitedly before throwing myself at him again. Kissing him with all the excitement I was feeling. It was good to know that Jin was on board now too. That meant there was only two others who weren't sure about working their schedules around or not and while the last thing I wanted was to come between them and work, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be disappointed if it didn't work out.

"Speaking of work. It's getting a little late for you mister."

"Are you trying to send me to bed?"

"I'm trying to send both of us to bed. Otherwise, we won't get up when we need to."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

I cocked my head to the side, my eyes roaming his handsome features as I pretended to give it some thought. Really, all I was doing was using it as an excuse to stare at him. I lifted my hand, using a finger to trace his features, starting at the shape of his eyebrows and down the length of his nose. Smiling when he scrunched it before continuing along the swell of his cheek and the sharpness of his jaw and finally settling on his lips.

"Y/N L/N, are you trying to seduce me?"

I giggled, placing a soft kiss on his perfectly pink lips.

"No. Does it seem that way to you?"

"Maybe. All I know is that if you keep looking at me like that, I'll never let you leave my bed."

"We have to get there first."

He stood up quickly, snatching a towel off the rack before offering me a hand up. I took it, letting him dry me as I grabbed the other free towel and returning the favor. The height difference between us made it hard for me to reach the top of his head, until he decided to make it a bit easier on me and led us to the bedroom so he could plop down on the edge of it. I stepped between his legs, resuming my task of drying his hair, undoing the little braids I had put in it and cooing at how cute the curls were.

He shook his head, damp hair flinging every which way to keep me from playing with the curls I had made. Before I could pout, he scoot himself onto the bed, pulling the sheets back and tugging me along with him. He held me to his chest, keeping me there as he covered us with the blankets. The contrast of his cool sheets and warm body was a recipe for creating the best sleep I could have as my exhaustion seemed to hit me all at once. Jin ran his fingers up and down my back soothingly, making me melt into him even more.

"Is it wrong for me to say that I want moments like these with you for the rest of my life?"

I tilted my face up to his, his own barely illuminated by the sliver of light coming through the windows from the city nightlife. His eyes were closed, faint smile on his lips as he continued to stroke along my spine. I let my own eyes slide shut, snuggling deeper into his chest.

"I want that too."

Boyfriend for Hire (BTS Ot7 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now