Chapter 3: A Normal Kid?

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[ Lacy Lee - Interviewee POV]


I felt myself rubbing my fingers in circular motions against my temples as I ended the interview, feeling as if nothing of major importance was accomplished. Sure, I had received the girl's name and parental state, but that was it. Although the mystery surrounding this little girl frustrated me, I couldn't help but find myself even more intruiged, wanting to discover her deepest secrets.

I could still feel that cold stare of hers burning into my facial features as I glanced down at my paper, writing down information which I had gained. I could already tell that she was no ordinary girl. That stare of hers was just too...mechanical...almost dead...

"Dr. Lee?"

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I yelped, having my small trance broken by the sound of my colleagues voice. I could hear him give a soft laugh as I swivled my chair around to face him, my long, blonde hair smacking me in the face as I did so.

"Ah, Dr. Williams! Apologies, I didn't realize you were there!"

I exclaimed in an anxious tone, my heart still racing a bit after getting startled. I let my shoulders relax as I stared at my colleague, my expression softening and going back to its calm state.

"No, no, that was my bad. I should have warned you about my presence, sorry!"

Williams gave a bright chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so. He was always a light-hearted man who always saw the best in everything, despite our terrifying jobs. His brown, medium-length hair was always tied back in a tiny ponytail, as if done by a toddler. Although it was rather unprofessional, it gave us a bit of playful warmth that was desperately need in a place like this.

"...terview- Lee, are you listening?"

Williams chimed in during my short trance, causing me to jump a bit. I'm quite well known for my short attention span, which I am definitely trying to work on.

"Yes, apologies, sir!"

I exclaimed, shifting in my seat and sitting upright. Williams simply shook his head in a playful manner, a light chuckle escaping his lips as he folded his arms.

"That's alright. Now, about the interview, do you mind if we step outside to chat?"

I had to stop myself as I felt my eyes almost roll in an irritated manner. The interview wasn't terrible or anything, it was just...unnerving..and extremely annoying. When I sit down for an interview, I want answers and I want them now, but that little girl seemed as if she enjoyed pushing my patience.

"Of course, sir."

I stated in an almost robotic tone, pushing the palm of my hand into the arm of my seat and lifting myself up.

"Please, just call me Ryan. We've worked together for awhile!"

Williams exclaimed in a light tone, his smile gentle and kind as he escorted me out of the observation room. I couldn't help but chuckle at his childish demeanor, which was an admirable trait to have in this hell hole.

"So, Lacey, about the little girl..."

I felt myself cringe a bit as he called me by my first name, mainly because I had gotten so used to my last.


I swiftly reminded him, he had been part of the group who was watching through the security cameras during the interview, so he had witnessed the same exact thing I had. I think he could hear the slight discomfort in my voice as I recalled the girl's strange name. I could still feel her dark, dead eyes burning into my soul from when I spoke to her, it was all just so...disturbing.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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