Chapter 2: An Interview.

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[Six's POV]


Light...a bright, white light to be exact.

Why is my head throbbing...

I slowly began to open my eyes, my vision a bit blurry as I tried to analyze my surroundings. As I slowly rub my eyes, it doesn't take me long to realize that I'm in a very blank room.

A plain white room.

The harsh luminescent lights that buzzed above my head caused a burning pain to occur in my eyes. It was way too bright...

"Ah, I see you're awake!"

An unfamiliar voice...but why did it sound so...muffled? And why was it so loud...?

I lifted my head, my eyes squinting as I tried to take in the bright scenery. My eyes caught a small speaker in the upper corner of the room...that's why.

"Are you able to speak?"

My eyes drifted over to a large window which sat infront of me as the voice boomed through the small room. As my senses slowly began to return, I realized that I was sitting on something...soft. My eyes slowly trail below me as I find myself sitting on a bed. Not a very comfortable one, but a bed at that.

My gaze grew colder as I slowly glanced back up at the window, watching as a figure moved about behind it. I could make out a bright, white lab coat which they wore. Attached to the lab coat was a name tag, but it was too blurry for me to accurately read.

"I'll take that as a no..."

The voice mumbled to themselves, their gaze focused on me as they seemingly stared through my very soul.

I hated it.

My eyes narrowed as I glared at them, my body tensing up slightly as I tried analyzing my captor. Now that I think about it, the voice sounded feminine.

"I understand you must be quite confused, but I'm here to ask you a few questions. Do you mind?"

Yea, very much so.

But I couldn't say that aloud, now could I? Besides, what choice did I have?

To answer her idiotic question, I slowly shook my head, my gaze only growing colder as my eyes locked onto her skinny figure. I could tell the woman was growing uncomfortable from my dead stare as she shifted in her seat.


"First question: Why were you wandering the woods all by yourself?"

Now how the hell was I supposed to effectively answer that? Was this woman really that stupid?

I felt myself giving a soft sigh, my gaze still locked onto her as I gave a simple shrug. She didn't seem very amused by my bland answer as I watched her give an annoyed expression. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me, as if trying to intimidate me.

I can do that too, bitch.

My eyes also narrowed as I glared at her, my gaze only growing colder as I stared into her very soul. I could tell she was a pussy. Nothing but a selfish little brat who wanted things her way. She was like an open book, ready to have her spine snapped by irresponsible little shits.

The analytical gaze I was burning into her character seemed to make her all the more uncomfortable as she cleared her throat, her gaze breaking from me as she glanced down.

"Next you have any parental figures?"

I gave a small huff of annoyance, my body only growing tenser as I continued closely observing my surroundings. The headache from earlier was only getting worse thanks to her unbearably foolish questions.

I slowly shook my head, my triangular shaped hood swaying with my head as it continued sitting calmly ontop of my scalp. The rest of my body was completely still as I sat there, my feet dangling off the edge of the bed. I could tell that we were both growing annoyed, from our own separate reasons of course.

"Do you obtain any unnatural abilities? Powers, perhaps?"

This fucking lady...

I was a natural at hiding my emotions, so the frustration bubbling inside my chest was practically unreadable as I continued to sit there, a bland expression plastered to my face. To answer her question, I simply shrugged my shoulders once more. I found her rising anxiety and impatience quite funny, though I did not show that in the slightest.

The lady's breath hit the microphone behind the glass as she gave a frustrated sigh, this entire "interview" seemed to be troubling her.

Oh, I wonder why?

"Final question--"

Thank God.

"What is your name?"

I let a soft exhale escape my lips, my gaze breaking for the first time as I glanced at the ground. The bright walls of the room never stopped bugging my eyes, but I had gotten used to it. I gave a slow blink, my mind going blank for a moment as I pondered on the question.

I knew my name...but should she?

Or rather...should they?

My gaze slowly lifted towards a camera stationed in a different corner, across from the speaker. I gave another slow exhale, my gaze returning towards the woman as I gave her a cold, dead glare.

I slowly lifted my hand, the first real movement I had made since waking up. I lifted up precisely 6 fingers toward the woman, my gaze never wavering as we locked eyes. I could tell my unglistening eyes made the woman anxious, and my mysterious name didn't seem to ease her anxieties.


The woman mumbled, her tone laced with confusion and uncertainty. I slowly nodded my head, my arm lowering as I rested both of my hands in my lap.

Atleast the dumbass was smart enough to understand my name.


Sorry if it's kinda short! I also apologize for not updating in awhile. I did warn you guys that I most likely wouldn't be updating very often, so please don't get too upset :D

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this little interaction! I'm not the best when it comes to details and such, so bare with me.

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