3-4 Roundabout Investigation

Start from the beginning

"If that's true then...Kyoko, where are you?" Hina wondered

"As long as she's not connected to the case, it doesn't matter." Sakura told her "Let's get back to the investigation."

"I have absolutely no doubt that Hiro is responsible. But for the time being, I suppose it can't hurt to pursue further information." Celeste said

"You know...don't you think we should consider a certain someone a suspect, just in case?" Hina thought "I'm talking about the murderous fiend...Genocider!"

"Wha-!? I'm offended!" no one had noticed Genocider enter the room


"You... When did you-?" Byakuya was cut off

"I've been looking all over for you, Master! When I woke up, you were nowhere to be found! Anyway! You there, milk sack swimmer girl!" she pointed at Hina

"Milk sack...?" Hina didn't know how to respond

"Why do I gotta be a suspect!?"

"Well, I mean...you are a serial killer."

"So what, I'm like a special guest suspect every time!? I have an alibi, you know!"

"She's right about that..." Byakuya confirmed "When we heard Hifumi scream, she was with me. And when the bodies disappeared, she was still lying unconscious in the equipment room. Plus, Taka's body aside, I can't imagine any way she would have been able to move Hifumi's body."

"Besides, I calculate every move I make! I'm not gonna kill someone when everyone knows what I look like! They don't call me the murderous fiend for nothing!"

"That's not the kind of thing you should be bragging about!" Hina shouted

"On another topic, should we post a guard by the bodies like before? We can't have them disappearing again..." Celeste said

"Hina and I can handle that." Sakura offered "You don't mind, do you Hina?"

"Sure. I'd be totally useless on the investigation anyway..." Hina answered dejectedly

"Then that's that. Let's begin." Byakuya said

Quill walked towards the back wall, to the hammers hanging on the wall. Their were four empty spots, not hard to put that together. All the hammers were covered in chalk, dust, and debris. All except The biggest hammer here... it's both completely clean and still wet. Well here's the 'similar weapon'

He moved to Taka's body. His body was first found next to hammer 4, the wounds seems to be roughly the same size, though it's hard to tell. He's also on a tarp that was absolutely not there when we found him the first time. His watch is broken near 6, and if I remember correctly he was yelling about it being almost ten while pointing at his watch last night, which means it broke near six this morning... hey I don't have to deal with his yelling anymore, silver lining. He's also got a small scrap of paper in his hand... it's not big enough for much to be written on it, someone else can deal with the rigor mortis.

Next the dolly. It doesn't have handles, so it's going to be a pain in the ass to move no matter what it's moving. I believe this was in the equipment room when his body was still there, the blood on the wheels prove that it was at least used there since the pool of blood had tire tracks running out of it

Then to Hifumi's body. He was first found in the nurse's office by hammer 3, though I can't compare it with the wound, there's no doubt in my mind that the hammer was smaller than that. And his glasses are clean, which they very much were not before. Convenient. There's also... that... I can make a pretty good guess at was that is, I don't think I need to check it... Kyoko probably will anyway, I'm not getting my gloves that dirty if I don't have to.

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