"Today I must go to the work. I have to practice with my band. You don't practice with your twin brother and the others?", she says, caressing his cheek.

He smiles broadly, his eyes lighting up.
"Oh yes, I do. It's always a real party with them.", he chuckles, but then he turns serious. He leans in and kisses her forehead gently.
"Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?", he whispers softly. He wants her to keep her health in mind.
"You know that I get worried about that, my Angel."

She smiles and she nods.

After a while.

Angel is at the practice with her band. She finished it, and she wants to go home, but Carlos, a boy from the band, comes to her with a strange smirk.

"What do you want, Carlos?", she asks with fear.

Carols doesn't say a thing. He comes closer to her and he presses his lips against hers. She tries to push away, but she can't do it. She punches him, but he doesn't break the kiss.

Tom has come home after practice and is sitting down in the living room area...and then he feels his heart catch in his throat as he gets a terrible feeling that something is wrong. His eyes go wide and he stands up abruptly. He doesn't even really know why he's feeling this way, but he's certain that something is wrong...that feeling in his heart has never once lied to him and it won't now. He grabs his keys, his phone, and rushes out the house before running to the practice studio.

He arrives and he runs in, his eyes scanning for Angel.

Carols is touching Angel's body, and she tries so hard to avoid him and his kisses, but she can't do it. She cries, and she tries to scream but she can't.

Tom's heart sinks in his chest as he sees her. His eyes are filled with fear and rage, fear for her safety above all. He rushes over, his anger boiling in his chest as he shoves the man aside.

"If she does not want you, then let her go.", he shouts menacingly.
"You have no right to touch her.", his voice is filled with anger and he feels that at any second he will just...snap. But he needs to stay calm for her.

"Get lost.", Carlos says.

"YOU get lost!", Tom shouts, and he pushes Carlos even harder than he did before.
"Leave. Or else.", he adds, and his tone is threatening. He's so angry, but he's never liked violence...he wouldn't use it unless he had to, and right now he is really being tempted to do it.

Carlos punches Tom in the face.

"Tom!", Angel shouts, crying.

Five. In five minutes, her life changed again.

Tom feels the pain of the punch, and rage bubbles up in his chest as he feels tears stinging his own eyes. As much as he hates violence...he has to do something. He swings his fist back, a thunderous punch that hits Carlos, who falls to the floor unconscious.

His eyes are filled with anger still, his heart thundering in his chest...but now, he looks at Angel. He's hurt, but he tries to smile for her.

"Angel...are you okay?", he asks, his voice filled with concern.

Angel looks in his eyes and she takes some napkins from her handbag. She slowly wipes the blood from Tom's mouth.

"It hurts bad?", she asks.

"Yeah, it hurts...but I'll be fine.", he sighs.
He leans into her touch, his eyes softly gazing up at her.
"As long as you're all right, I can take it...", he chuckles, but he is still afraid that she might be hurt still from all that has happened.

"Did he do anything to hurt you?", he asks, sounding worried. He has to know, he has to make sure.

"He just... touched and kissed me."

She says with a reassuring smile. Then she looks in his eyes.

"What you did... the punch, that made me realise... that I can trust and love you. What can I say, I love the jealous man's. And this handsome and jealous man." she says, smiling.

He smiles broadly, his heart growing fuller with every word she speaks. Oh my God, she loves him. She truly loves him, and he has never been more grateful for that fact in his life. His eyes grow brighter, and his heart seems to skip a beat.

"Angel...I love you, so much. I swear to God, I will do everything in my power to do right by you...to always make you happy, to protect you and keep you safe. I am yours, Angel. As you are all mine."

"All yours.", she says and she kisses his forehead.

Tom smiles at her lovingly, his heart filled to bursting with joy. This is his Angel. His love, his life, his everything...and she is his. He feels like the luckiest man in the world, and like he truly belongs again after so long.

"My Angel.", he whispers softly. And that's all the words he needs to speak.

Dangerously Yours.- Tom Kaulitz.Where stories live. Discover now