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🦋☁️ Synopsis ☁️🦋

Where Jungkook is having the worst day of the week and he suddenly bumps on a certain someone while it's raining

Where Jungkook is having the worst day of the week and he suddenly bumps on a certain someone while it's raining

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And yet again.. here I was, standing in the middle of the street. I've just had, what we could describe as the worst day of the week.

Oh sorry my bad, I should introduce myself first, that was very impolite of me. Well I'm Jeon Jungkook, I'm a grown man, an average guy working a 9 to 5 job to pay my bills and well trying to survive in this.. cruel world.

Yeah I know this is a simple and ordinary conversation with myself but I guess I'm too lonely to have this convo with people instead.

So yeah moving on to my current situation. My parents, who had abandoned me when I was just 4 year old because technically they couldn't afford to take care of a child and sent me to a froster care, which honestly I am actually grateful they did, it's better then to live with 2 stinking old couple who don't know how to take care of themselves how would they take care of a child.

Anyways.. as I was saying, they both, out of sudden had this prophecy overnight which forced them to had this thought that oh yeah we should check up on our boy whom we abandoned years ago and is an adult living by himself.

What could go wrong right? It's just a family reunion nothing out of ordinary.

Well it went wrong in every possible way it could.

They visited me, or more like barged in, just a day before yesterday and guess what was the first question they asked me. Let it be you won't be able to guess it, and no it was not a 'How are you' or 'Nice to meet you after a long time' or some cringy ass shit.

They asked me 'Oh where do you work at and how much is your monthly income, umm, gookie'

They didn't even fucking know my name and had the goddamn audacity to ask me these weird fucking questions.

And yeah ofcourse my dumb ass really thought it was a sweet and simple date with my biological parents, who technically abandoned me, what worse could happen'

And guess what happened next.. I'll do you a favour and tell you what actually happened.

These motherfuckers robbed me fucking clean. They gave me a sleeping pill and when I woke up in the morning they told me my colleague called and told that I have 3 days off and my foolish ass really believed that.

After 3 days, they stole everything they could possibly steal and left me with nothing but an empty apartment. And after I tried reaching to my work, they told me they have fired me because I didn't come to work for 3 days and didn't even consult them the reason for my absence.

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