27. Two Guns

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"Hey, honey! Do you come here often?"

I stared at the fifty-something drunk frat guys and sorority girls that twirled around and made out at the party that our target was at. In the middle of the day. In the summer.

Apparently our target, Alex Number 2, was taking summer classes and had a few preseason football games to play in over the summer, not to mention the grueling hours of conditioning and training he had to put in to be able to even play in the games. That was the reason Alex Number 2 didn't get to go home for the summer. We got all of this information from the completely wasted idiot who we stood by in the kitchen, the one who was currently hitting on me.

"She's not interested, buddy," Original Alex told him, stepping closer to me as if to prove the point that I was off limits.

I barely registered their conversation, however. I was looking over the drunk flirt's head, trying to get a good look at all of the people, trying to find the target.

We didn't have any problems getting into the party. Everyone was plenty drunk by the time we'd gotten here, though it was still early in the morning. Who starts drinking this early? I asked myself. Oh, yeah. College kids.

Something else that surprised me, though it probably shouldn't have: this house belonged to Alex Number 2. It was huge, had a pool in the back. The whole nine yards. Everything came together when the drunk flirt told us that Alex was filthy stinking rich, the main reason he got away with big ass parties like this.

I looked at my Alex after Drunk Guy told us this information, which we weaseled out of him pretty easily.

"Daddy's boy," Alex murmured to me.

I nodded, smiling. Getting him back to Toronto was going to be fun.

"Thanks for your help," we told Drunk Guy, trying to move past him to venture deeper into the party.

We almost made it. "Hey, wait. So you two are long lost friends of his?"

I looked at Alex, being as our cover was his idea.

"Yeah," Alex said with a friendly smile. "We go way back. I'm talkin' pre-k."

"Oh, no shit?"

"No shit at all," Alex confirmed, slapping the guy's hand.

I rolled my eyes and went on, making my way through the people. Every few feet, someone bumped into me, making me remember why I hated people my age.

"Watch out!"

"What are you doing?"

"Hey!" people exclaimed as I pushed past them, looking for Alex Number 2. I desperately wanted to pull my stun gun from behind my back and pop every single one of these rats. But I didn't. It stayed uncomfortably in place between my lower back and my jeans, along with a loaded pistol. In order to remain calm, I focused on which gun was which.

"Hey, baby! Want a drink?" Stun on the left, pistol on the right.

I saw a girl look at me, then whisper in her friend's ear. Though it wasn't a whisper. "I would't dare come to Alex's house in jeans and a t-shirt." Stun on the left, pistol on the right.

"No one informed me that there would be stuck up bitches here."

Okay. That one did it.

I turned around to the guy who'd made the comment, a guy with dark hair, a little older than me, who was surrounded by a few other frat guys.

I put on my nicest I-actually-want-you-to-drop-dead smile. "I'm sorry?"

The guy, who was sitting, stood. He was taller than me, making me want to shrink back. I stood my ground, no matter how uncomfortable I felt.

Waters of Lethe, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now