5. Allies

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A few hours later, after I had received a new set of clothes and toiletries from Scott, we boarded a plane that would take us to Toronto, Ontario. Scott told me that the Americans were our enemies, as they had the most corrupt intentions.

Keep friends close, keep enemies closer, he told me. That was why the base was so close to the states. It was a pretty childish theory to go by, though, if he were to ask me.

I was not the only one who had been found in Dubai. Another person, a British boy around my age, had been found by Scott. Nico had retrieved him.

He was a bit taller than me. His chocolaty brown eyes were dark, confused and scared, I assumed. His jaw was strong, like the rest of his lean body. He fidgeted a good bit, rubbing his hands together, tapping his foot on and off.

His name was Lorenzo, but he went by Enzo. His shortened name was one of the only things he remembered about himself, he told us as we boarded the plane. When he talked, his voice was quiet, yet somewhat deep. It was calming, I realized, and wanted him to keep talking.

Enzo seemed like a soft, agile person. I noticed that his eyes flitted around as my eyes did the same, taking our surroundings in as deeply as possible. His lean muscles were tense, ready to spring into action, like mine.

I was quiet, he was quiet. Maybe we really were the same.

The only difference between us was that he appeared more nervous than I was. He avoided eye contact with everyone, taking his seat on the passenger plane beside me, searching the front of the plane, searching the back of the plane, never lingering on anyone except for Scott and Nico.

Scott and Nico sat across the aisle from us, a few seats ahead. I was thankful that Enzo and I were seated together. I wanted to talk to him, seperate from Nico and Scott.

When the plane took off, the cabin lights were immediately dimmed due to the fact that it was 10pm. People around us, including Nico, drifted off. I could tell by their even, deep respirations. I was not too worried about Scott overhearing us; he looked like he was immersed in a good book.

Out of the corner of my left eye, I saw Enzo glance at me.

"What do you think he's reading?" he asked me in a quiet tone.

I shook my head. "Probably something like, How To Train Your Super Human Serum Fed Baby: The Young Adult Years."

Enzo laughed quietly. I had heard a few laughs since I had woken up, mostly from people who were boarding this plane, but Enzo's laugh was the one that soothed me.

"Yeah, I agree," he told me. "What's up with that?"

I pursed my lips and looked at him. He actually looked me in the eyes. "I don't know. Do you believe them?"

It was his turn to shake his head. "I don't know... I mean, some of what they're saying makes sense, right?"

"I guess, some of it." I ran a hand through my loose, curly hair, leaning my head on the back of my seat. I glanced over at him. "Not all of it."

"Do you feel like a stronger than average person?" he asked, his face inches from mine. His closeness felt good, as if I had not experienced the presence of another human being in ages. I did not feel alone.

I smiled, then took a deep breath to actually think. To actually feel. I opened and closed my fists, flexed my calves. "I don't know."

"Who do you hate most in the world?" he asked out of nowhere.

I tried my best to think of someone I hated, someone I despised. I shook my head. "Who do you hate most in the world?"

"I asked you first."

Waters of Lethe, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now