“Very well! I believe I have a God to locate,” Lucifer said and looked into the abyss to scan the world of Man to find his rival.


Summum had expected the first night of living together to be filled with the sexual act by Josh and Isabelle but those expectations had been quelled by the arrival of Hannah and Garin. Her plans to use them to create the last Nephalem had been stalled by yet another day and she was slowly losing patience. She didn’t want to delay her revolt any longer than it needed to be delayed and this forced some swift action from her path.

She decided that the next night will surely be the one and she would find a way to make the act happen, whether naturally or by force. The time had come and the battle could no longer be delayed.




“Are you sure you should be going to work today? You should take the day off,” Josh said to Isabelle.

They were about to leave the house for work and Josh was feeling a bit nervous to let Isabelle leave the safety of the house and the sight of the Celestials because of what happened to her the previous night. Isabelle, on the other hand, didn’t seem worried at all. She was ready to get back to the office despite everything and Josh was concerned by the way she was handling the whole thing.

“I’m fine, Josh. There’s nothing to be worried about. Nothing’s going to happen to me,” she replied as she took her car keys from the table.

“At least, let me drop you off at work,” he offered.

“And who’s going to drive me back home?” Isabelle asked with a raised brow.

“I’ll come pick you up.”


“I could go with her if you want, Josh,” Hannah cut in.

“Really? That would be great,” Josh said gladly but then, he thought of something, “But, what if you get attacked by your sisters again or the demons?”

“They won’t be coming for us anymore,” Garin replied.

“Why not?” Isabelle asked.

“Things have changed. The situation is a lot more serious than before. Knowing my Father, his priorities would have been altered by the reappearance of Summum. He’s got bigger fish to fry,” Hannah said and walked over to Isabelle, “So, what are we waiting for?”

“Who do I tell the people at my job that you are? They’ll find it weird that a random woman is following me around,” Isabelle said to Hannah.

“Don’t worry! I’ll stay out of sight,” Hannah replied.

“You be careful, Love,” Garin said to Hannah.

The two women walked out the door, leaving the guys behind and they both stared at each other, worried as their women left but hopeful that they’d be alright.

“Hey, Josh, wait up,” Garin called out to him as he was about to step out also, “I need to talk to you.”

“What about?” Josh turned around.

“I didn’t want to say anything in front of the girls until I was certain,"

“Certain about what? What are you talking about, Garin?" Josh asked.

The look on Garin’s face was making Josh nervous because he knew it could only mean something bad was about to happen yet again.


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