"Wait... Really.. " Porsche and I share a look before we got hold of the situation.

"That means we are best friends with husbands who are cousins. " Porsche said excitedly.

"That doesn't sound really good.. " Kinn said.

"Yeah.. I would have to see your face more than I would like to. " Vegas spat with a sickening smile.

"Shut up dickheads... That sounds so awesome... We are gonna get married into same family and our kids will be cousins. I am already loving it. " Porsche said.

I laughed as Porsche was getting all excited about how he will be the cool uncle and the star among the kids. I can't help but have my time watching him so happy, Porsche was an orphan for so long, except for his brother he doesn't have what people call family.

Seeing him being so happy as he finally got his own family... I was happy... So much that I couldn't ask for more.. Cause I always thought of him like my own brother. And he is...

"So how did you two meet? " I asked.

"Well it's a long story but I will tell you in short. When the plane crash was reported, I went to the base station for complaining and rescue operation demand and there I met him, cause Vegas was apparently dead too. And that's when it all started, we met often, he comforted me and I fell for him. "Kinn took Porsche's hand and kissed it.

"I will throw up if you continue. " Vegas commented as Kinn laughed.

"Come on Vegas... He cares about you.. " I said.

"I do too... That's why I didn't told Porsche about how famous his boyfriend is in the strip club. " Vegas said.

"Wait.. What did you say... " Porsche looked at him... And raised an eye brow.

"It's nothing... He is joking honey... " Kinn looked panicked.

"No... You be quiet... Vegas what did you say... "

"That he.. Once performed as a stripper when he was in college cause he lost a bet with me. " Vegas said with an eminent smirk on his face.

"Really... " Porsche laughed as kinn tried to hide his face.

"Pete... Do you know Vegas dressed as Harley Quinn when he was 15 on our Halloween party... Cause it was a lucky draw and he got her... "

"Vegas... That really suits you.. " I was almost giggling at him, as the two brothers kept on bickering while we had our dinner, it was better than them being quiet all around.

"Porsche do you remember when you were dressed as a mermaid too?"

"Don't even talk about that.. " Porsche closed my mouth as I kept on babbling.

"You... Don't forget I have pictures of you coated with white powder and posing like a model in front of the mirror... " Porache said with his classic bitch face while crossing his arms.

"You clicked pictures... "

"Of course I have to..... I will send it to you Vegas... "

"Porsche... You are such a tattletale.. "

"So you were... "

"So that's a fair score now.. " Vegas said as he was looking amused watching the photo.

After the dinner Porsche called Vegas to go to the nearby ice cream parlour with him. I know he is gonna talk to him and warn him and threaten him about the things he would do to him if he hurts me, although I was worried but Vegas ensured he won't do anything weird. Kinn and I were left after they were gone.

"Well I know you are a nice guy and I also know Porsche is a bit impulsive, so just be patient with him, otherwise he is the most loving person who will tear down the world for you. "

"I will... And I am thankful for Vegas too, he wasn't really into love since his parents doesn't have a very happy marriage, but seeing you two together makes me feel safe for him. "

"His parents? "

"Yeah, he might not talk about it but his parents were married as an alliance for business expansion, so he was just the necessary step taken before his mom and dad lived separately and he lived with us. "

"He never really talks about his family except for his cousins, and he says all of you are crazy, especially the eldest one. "

"Yeah he is, my elder brother. " Kinn laughed and then he showed me some of their pictures, their childhood, teenage and young adult versions, Vegas was always the cool and charismatic as always, I fell for him more after this.

Porsche came back with some ice cream which I love by heart, we talked about our past and time went by before we realized it was too late.

"Drop by here often.. Don't think I am away... " Porsche hugged me goodbye as we went back home, it's over finally. I wanna dance at how relieved I am.

"You know what... We stayed there for 4 hours so that means... " Vegas said and I frowned... I don't have the energy and mood and he will be sulking if I deny.

But I got a plan for myself.

"Pete... Pete... Did you hear me?... Asleep?.. What about my prize?... " 

Note: A little reunion... So how do you guys find it? Do tell me your views and do vote if you like... This story is also gonna end soon... A couple of chapters left...

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